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Discontent in the unions after the meeting of the State Pact for Ferrol | Radio Ferrol

Discontent in the unions after the meeting of the State Pact for Ferrol held yesterday with the Minister of Economy, Francisco Conde. CCOO, CIG and UTG point out that the Xunta has collected proposals from the political, social and economic agents of the area, but in the document of the pact no concrete commitments are contemplated, they are only marked as future.

In addition, the representatives of the trade union organizations say that the Department admits that there is no short-term project, only initiatives that can be carried out in about 4 or 7 years. In this sense, the autonomous administration assumes that the regions of Ferrolterra, Eume and Ortegal undertake a journey in the desert that will imply loss of population and jobs.

The unions miss a real working table in which all the administrations are involved to seek urgent solutions to the dramatic situation in the area. They consider that PP and PSOE are immersed in a political battle in which they intend to make the unions accomplices. They warn that they will not leave any work table, but they assure that they will not participate in the political dispute.

Manel Grandal, regional head of the CIG, fears that the European Next Generation funds are a bluf and has pointed out that the projects linked to this program will not generate the employment that the regions need. Thus, he has estimated that the hydrogen plant that is proposed for As Pontes could suppose some 50-80 jobs, while the wind farms once built will generate about 20 jobs.

Regarding the free zone that the Xunta proposes for Ferrol, Grandal has added that what the Xunta proposes is simply to study that possibility. He emphasizes that to carry it out, you must have authorization from the State and Europe.

For his part, Santiago Díaz, the CCOO regional manager, has assured that the State Pact is only a declaration of intent in which no specific plans are proposed, or commitments supported by economic items.

Díaz has pointed out that one of the demands to reactivate the naval sector has almost disappeared because the Galicia ship left Vigo today for Cartagena. Therefore, the reform of the ship is not yet going to be undertaken and the CCOO manager has pointed out that it is also not clear in which shipyard this action will be carried out.

Toni Díaz, the regional head of the UGT, has estimated that the State Pact already has a deficit because there are no economic items that support initiatives or projects. He has claimed that these meetings should have a representative of the central government because otherwise it will only be facing the gallery.

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