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discomfort on the set, Fabien Haimov …

During the August 20 broadcast of N’oubliez pas les paroles, Nagui once again pulled up the braces of singer Fabien Haimovici, who had made a blunder.


  • This Tuesday, August 20, Nagui welcomed Angélique opposite Maestro Coline in the show ‘Don’t forget the lyrics’.

  • Singer Fabien Haimovici accidentally sang the missing lyrics, unintentionally helping Angelique score points.

  • Despite this unexpected help, Angélique was unable to beat Coline, who continues her journey as Maestro.

This Tuesday, August 20, Nagui welcomed Angélique opposite the Maestro, Coline, in Don’t forget the lyrics. When it was the new candidate’s turn to play, singer Fabien Haimovici simply sang all the lyrics, giving her the answer to the missing words.

Angélique assured that she did not hear and that she remembered the words on her own. But Nagui did not miss the singer of the program.

Don’t forget the lyrics: Fabien Haimovici makes a big blunder

This Tuesday, August 20, Maestro Coline continued her adventure in Don’t forget the lyrics. Nagui and the holder of the silver microphone welcomed the challenger of the day, Angélique. The latter tried to win as many points as possible on the song “I burn you” by Kendji Girac. Angélique had to find three words in the song and initially opted for “to the body“, knowing that it didn’t fit. Fabien Haimovici then continued to sing, forgetting to say the three words to find. If his blunder seems to have gone unnoticed, Nagui, himself, heard everything.Chut!” exclaimed the host, but too late, the singer continued as if nothing had happened!

The challenger of the day then decided to changer her answer, blocking the words “to the skin”. Nagui, far from being fooled, then asked the candidate if she wanted to thank someone on set for this answer.Non, It came back to me when I sang it just now, with the musicians“, assured Angelique, with a nervous laugh.Among these musicians, is there one with a blue jacket and a white t-shirt who might have…” began Nagui before being cut off by Fabien Haimovici. “Did I give the lyrics?” he asked, clearly very surprised.

Angelique wins the points thanks to Fabien Haimovici

The candidate from Reunion Island then reacted immediately.Oh he did that? In all honesty, I didn’t hear.” assured Angelique. Nagui, not really convinced, asks her all the same if she wants to block the words. The challenger accepts, allowing her to win 20 points.Thank you Fabien!” then launched the France 2 presenter.

If we go by statistics, there comes a time when you gave them more than mewhile you don’t sing, that’s your strength!” the star singer of the show then defended himself.”That’s right. You don’t like me being the leader, you want to catch up with me” Nagui then joked. This big blunder was not enough for Angélique to beat Coline, who continued her adventure as Maestro.

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