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Disclosure: The CEO denounces a charge report against Ali Bongo Ondimba

Libreville, Wednesday, July 5, 2023 (Infos Gabon) – The Gabonese Democratic Party protests against a document riddled with incongruities and devoid of objectivity which damages the image of the Head of State.

In a report it has just published, a group of “researchers”, “economists” and “volunteers” said they were interested in the action of the President of the Gabonese Republic throughout the ending seven-year term. In their document, the latter out of 105 promises, affirm that only 13 have been fulfilled, 59 are not fulfilled, while the others have only been partially fulfilled. For Mays Mouissi, one of the editors of this document, this is a “not very glorious record”. This report, which looks like an order initiated by detractors lurking in the shadows, obviously appears as a kind of plot hatched against Ali Bongo Ondimba. Not only the choice of timing (published a few days before the presidential election), but it seems to minimize the pangs of Covid-19 and the crisis on the world economy which have not spared Gabon. In a notorious imbalance, the document does not give the floor to the presidential camp to defend its record. For many, it is simply a disguised relentlessness of the authors and their sponsor (s) aimed at destabilizing President Ali Bongo Ondimba, presented as a super favorite in the ballot of August 26, 2023. a glowing record and the love that his compatriots have for him. The popular mobilization observed throughout the “Republican Tour” being a perfect illustration of this mark of sympathy.

Like the shepherd’s response to the shepherdess, the presidential camp did not hesitate to provide a proportional response to the attack. Through the voice of its spokesperson, the Gabonese Democratic Party (PDG) denounces a lack of objectivity. “I am amazed by this survey. When we talk about a balance sheet, we take stock of assets and liabilities. There, it is not a balance sheet. It’s a litany of so-called unrealized projects. I am surprised to see that intellectuals do not make the effort to be objective. They are despisers, accusers, prosecutors. They voluntarily forget what has been done, while exaggerating what has not been,” reacted Frédéric Massavala Maboumba.

Taking the haters of his champion from the back, he will cite, pell-mell, several achievements knowingly concealed by the said report. These include the asphalting of the Libreville, Ntoum, Kango, Bifoun, Lambaréné, Fougamou, Mouila, Ndendé and Lébamba axes. Without forgetting the Bifoum sections, up to Oyem and Bitam. In terms of engineering structures, Ali Bongo Ondimba has to his credit, the construction of the Port-Gentil-Omboué port, presented as one of the longest bridges in Africa. “It’s phenomenal, it’s extraordinary”, welcomes Frédéric Massavala Maboumba. Added to this, the construction of three training centers in Nkok, Port Gentil and Franceville. Not to mention the many school and health facilities. “All this shows an active president, concerned about the well-being of Gabonese. But the report makes false, incriminating accusations,” he said.


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