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Disastro! (Chicago Bears vs Arizona Cardinals 9-29)

After the terrible loss to Washington, it was hoped that the Bears had finally learned from their mistakes. Unfortunately, the result of the match against Arizona says exactly the opposite, demolishing even the last certainty that had accompanied the mistreated path of the Chicago franchise under the leadership of Matt Eberflus.
The 29 points conceded by the Chicago defense to the Cardinals (actually 27, as there was also a safety

Three terms may have brought you here.

    When a player on the offensive team is stopped inside his endzone, a safety is awarded, worth two points. The team that suffers the safety will also be the one that will have to kickoff from their own 20 line. It is also a safety if an offensive player commits a foul inside his own endzone, for example a holding of a line player or an intentional grounding of the quarterback.
    The Free Safety role
    The Strong Safety role

” href=” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>safetygrantedbytheattack)areanepisodethathasnotoccurredforalongtimeandalthoughissomethingthatcanhappeninacertaintypeoffootballit’sabadindication[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>safetyconcessadall’attacco)sonounepisodiochenonsiverificavadamoltotempoesebbenesiaunacosacheinuncertotipodifootballpuòaccadereèunpessimoindizio[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>safetygrantedbytheattack)areanepisodethathasnotoccurredforalongtimeandalthoughissomethingthatcanhappeninacertaintypeoffootballit’sabadindication[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>safetyconcessadall’attacco)sonounepisodiochenonsiverificavadamoltotempoesebbenesiaunacosacheinuncertotipodifootballpuòaccadereèunpessimoindizio

There are other indicators, half sentences, strange behaviors. Everything suggests that the coaching staff has lost respect for the players, and that a point of no return has been reached.
And, frankly speaking, the writer thinks, and has said many times, that losing the respect of the locker room is the natural consequence of the fact that Matt Eberflus doesn’t have what it takes to be a Head Coach in the NFL. He is an excellent defensive coordinator and the results have been seen (remember Vic Fangio in Denver?) but as a Head Coach he doesn’t work. It’s not a given (but I don’t think there’s much room for improvement in this sense) that he won’t be able to be in the future, but the Bears certainly can’t waste the years of Williams’ contract waiting for him to mature.

Moving on to the match, faced with a number of first Downs

Each offensive team has four downs to travel the 10 yards needed to stay on the field. Depending on the field position, a punt or a field goal can usually be kicked on fourth down.

” href=” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>downtakenpracticallythesame(evenifsomeoftheBearsonesaretheresultofgarbagetime)theCardinalshadthegameinhandfromthefirstminuteofthegameandneverlookedbackThekeyonceagainwasthefrontseven’senormouspressureonouralreadybatteredoffensivelineanditputWilliamsunderpressureonnearly50%ofdropbacksMindyouthispercentagewasaround30%inotherCardinalsgames[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>downpresipraticamenteuguale(anchesequalcunodiquellideiBearssonofruttodigarbagetime)iCardinalshannoavutoinmanolapartitadalprimominutodigiocoenonsisonomaiguardatiindietroLachiaveancoraunavoltaèstatal’enormepressionedelfrontsevensullanostragiàmartoriatalineaoffensivaehamessoWilliamssottopressionenelquasi50%deidropbacksBadatebenechequestapercentualeeradelcirca30%nellealtrepartitedeiCardinals[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>downtakenpracticallythesame(evenifsomeoftheBearsonesaretheresultofgarbagetime)theCardinalshadthegameinhandfromthefirstminuteofthegameandneverlookedbackThekeyonceagainwasthefrontseven’senormouspressureonouralreadybatteredoffensivelineanditputWilliamsunderpressureonnearly50%ofdropbacksMindyouthispercentagewasaround30%inotherCardinalsgames[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>downpresipraticamenteuguale(anchesequalcunodiquellideiBearssonofruttodigarbagetime)iCardinalshannoavutoinmanolapartitadalprimominutodigiocoenonsisonomaiguardatiindietroLachiaveancoraunavoltaèstatal’enormepressionedelfrontsevensullanostragiàmartoriatalineaoffensivaehamessoWilliamssottopressionenelquasi50%deidropbacksBadatebenechequestapercentualeeradelcirca30%nellealtrepartitedeiCardinals
This means that, if the opposing team’s DC has a bit of salt in his head and enough defensive talent, the key to beating the Bears (not that it takes much, anyway) lies in the constant pressure of 3 – 5 men. We said it at the beginning of the season, and the coaching staff’s first fault is not being able to resolve this fundamental problem.
In this game, constant pressure translates into 241 yards of total offense, a paltry 3.4 yards per play, and 6 sacks

When a defensive player tackles the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage.

” href=” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>sacksufferedwiththeicingonthecakeofthesafetyinthefourthquarter[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>sacksubiticonlacilieginasullatortadellasafetynelquartoquarto[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>sacksufferedwiththeicingonthecakeofthesafetyinthefourthquarter[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>sacksubiticonlacilieginasullatortadellasafetynelquartoquarto
There is not enough stability to program a gameplan, to wait for plays to develop and for receivers to run Tracks on passes

Receivers (y receiver and z receiver), tight ends and runningbacks have a hard-coded system that tells them which routes to run on a passing action. What you see in the image above is the so-called standard tree with the tracks indicated with name and number for the different roles. Obviously all of this is adapted to each team’s playbook.

” href=” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>tracksColeKmetwhohaddonesowellinrecentweeksiscompletelyignoredbyOCWaldronforthesecondweekinarow[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>tracceColeKmetchetantoavevafattobenenellescorsesettimanevieneperlasecondasettimanadifilaignoratocompletamentedall’OCWaldron[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>tracksColeKmetwhohaddonesowellinrecentweeksiscompletelyignoredbyOCWaldronforthesecondweekinarow[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>tracceColeKmetchetantoavevafattobenenellescorsesettimanevieneperlasecondasettimanadifilaignoratocompletamentedall’OCWaldron

The only positive notes were Odunze’s 104 receiving yards and having once again won the turnover battle. But the defense’s merits stop there: 350 yards allowed, 213 of which were on runs (unthinkable for a team with a defense like Chicago’s) and 6.1 yards per play allowed. Now the Bears face New England, which seems to be the only beatable team at the moment, and then start facing their divisional rivals who are all much more on the ball than the Illinois team.

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