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“Disappointing Turnout for Blood Drive Organized by EFS in Nancy”

The blood drive organized by the EFS (French blood establishment) of Nancy, Friday, April 21, at the MJC, proved to be very disappointing.

Only 27 potential donors presented themselves to Dr. Denis Rozaire, collection manager, and the five professionals dedicated to collection, interviews or the secretariat who accompanied him.

The only positive point was that five new donors came, including a young girl who had just turned 18.

Should we incriminate the school holidays or the collections of the day before in Haironville and Saint-Dizier? It is clear that the population is not interested in this essential gift on which the survival of certain patients depends.

The situation is all the more distressing since, as Dr Rozaire points out, “the state of stocks, if not yet critical in the Grand Est, is borderline”.

I promise, it will be better next time, which will take place on June 22. Note in the diaries.

2023-04-24 20:33:06
#Blood #donation #disappointing #results

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