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Disappearances in the Amazon: traces of blood found on the boat of a suspect

(Belga) Traces of blood have been discovered on the boat of a suspect arrested in connection with the disappearance since Sunday in the Amazon of a British journalist and a Brazilian expert, whose supporters have asked London and Brasilia “the intensification of research”.

“Traces of blood were found on the boat of Amarildo da Costa de Oliveira, 41, known as ‘Pelado’, who was arrested on Tuesday as ‘suspicious’, Brazil’s federal police said on Thursday. in a statement, as the search for the two men continued. “The material collected is on its way to Manaus”, capital of the Amazonas state region, “to be submitted for expertise”, is it added in the press release, accompanied by images of investigators taking photos of what appears to be a small bloodstain on a blue tarp inside a motorboat with peeling paint. Dom Phillips, 57, a regular contributor to the daily The Guardian, and Bruno Pereira, 41, a recognized expert on indigenous peoples, are missing in the Javari Valley region, a “dangerous” region according to the police, where they led interviews for a book on environmental conservation. Witnesses said they saw the suspect speed past in a boat heading in the same direction as Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira when they were last seen. Police said the man was arrested for carrying unauthorized caliber ammunition and drugs. (Belga)

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