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Disappearance of Justine Vayrac: profile of the suspect, traces of blood, course of the evening … what we know about the investigation

the essential
Three days after the disappearance of a 20-year-old woman near a nightclub in Brive-la-Gaillarde, a man was arrested as part of an investigation for kidnapping and forced imprisonment. Justine Vayrac hadn’t been seen since Sunday morning, around 4 am, near the “La Charrette” nightclub where she spent the evening.

Justine Vayrac, a young 20-year-old Lotoise, hadn’t been seen since Sunday, October 23, around 4 am, near the “La Charrette” nightclub where she spent the evening, prosecutor Emilie Abrantes explained in a statement. According to witnesses, the young woman, who lives in Tauriac (Lot), about forty kilometers south-east of Brive, “was last seen in the company of a young man”, near the nightclub, “while he was out to get some air for a while. “

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Disappearance of Justine Vayrac: “We can’t stand still, we want to find her”, the parents confide

Who is the suspect in custody?

A man was arrested on Tuesday, three days after Justine Vayrac’s disappearance, as part of an investigation into kidnapping and forced detention, the prosecutor said. This 20-year-old man, a farmer named Noé, “would have been a friendly acquaintance he met a few times at the nightclub.” On Tuesday morning he was placed in police custody “to verify the chronological elements and to cross-reference the various elements collected in this phase”. When Justine was feeling sick and nauseous, she expressed a desire to go out in the air, it was this man who offered to take care of her. “They had seen each other several times in a festive context, she also attended evenings at her house with other friends”, Justine’s mother explained to our colleagues at The mountain.

What are the first elements?

According to one of Justine’s friends attending the party, the suspect explained that the young woman felt better after going out. Their paths would go their separate ways and he would go home. Theo, one of these friends, said that Justine had sent him a message saying that he was with Noah.

According to information from BFM TVDuring his arrest, the suspect tried to escape. The readings carried out in the young man’s car revealed traces of blood at the level of the gear knob and brake. Traces of blood were also found in the room of this same individual. During the searches, the police also discovered Justine’s cell phone at her home.

What does the first research show?

According to the prosecutor, the young woman’s car was found near the nightclub, “open and containing personal effects”. The search was conducted Monday evening by teams of dogs, without success. According to the search notice issued by the police, the young woman has straight, medium-length brown hair, light eyes and is 1.65 m tall. At the time of her disappearance, she was wearing a pastel pink dress and white sneakers from the Converse brand.

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Justine’s mother recounted her daughter’s evening in a testimony at the Dépêche du Midi. First, the young woman found three friends in one of them. They went to a bar and one of the friends went home because he was working the next day. Justine took her car back and everyone went to a nightclub. The mother received a last message from her daughter around 1am assuring her that all was well. This is the last news she has had.

The mobilization of Justine’s relatives

“I started to worry a bit, so I called Brive hospital but they had no stranger and no one named Justine. Initially I thought it was an accident. But even then he would give me the news”, entrusted the mother. by Justine a The expedition. All Justine’s relatives are mobilizing to find her. Her parents go to Brive every day. “We are going to the police station to find out. We have also looked around, but we have not found anything,” said her mother, who does not want to interfere with her investigation. Posters were posted in the city of Brive on Tuesday.

Justine Vayrac is the mother of a two and a half year old boy. “She does not live with her father, who is in Toulouse, but things are going well, things have settled with him and she has custody,” the mother told AFP.

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