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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: who is Cédric, the husband indicted for murder?

Who is Cédric Jubillar? Indicted this Friday, June 18 for murder in the case on the disappearance of his wife, Delphine, this 33-year-old man, presumed innocent, is today the center of attention.

During the night of December 15 to 16, Delphine Jubillar disappears from his home in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn). It is her husband, Cédric, who alerts the police. He explains that his wife went out to walk their two dogs in the night but never came back.

Since then, he has always denied being involved in this disappearance and has remained very discreet. For fear of being compared to Jonathann Daval, sentenced at the end of November for the murder of his wife Alexia, Cédric Jubillar limited his public interventions, leaving his lawyer to communicate for him.

“A chaotic adolescence”

In a portrait dedicated to him, the newspaper The Dispatch depicts a man “Withdrawn” and “Always decked out in a cap or a hood”. A personality that is not unanimous among those close to Delphine Jubillar. Cited in the article, some portray a man « full of pride », « provocateur » and that « took up all the space » in the couple he formed with Delphine.

Delphine and Cédric Jubillar met in 2005 before getting married seven years ago. He who lived “A chaotic childhood and adolescence, marked by placements in foster families and homes”, according to The Parisian , ended up starting a family. The couple had two children, ages 6 and 2.

“The climate was deteriorating”

But the couple formed by Cédric and Delphine Jubillar were going through difficulties. « The climate was deteriorating and we could feel a tension », report many relatives in The Dispatch .

Delphine had also had a relationship for several months with the one that the investigators nicknamed “The confidant of Montauban”. Did Cedric Jubillar know about it? According to his lawyer, he only found out after the disappearance. But for the investigators, this element could have been at the center of an argument within the couple, the evening of December 16.

Anyway, the lawyer assures that the separation was “Actée”. In an interview with Parisian , “The confidant of Montauban” explains that Delphine had mentioned in September with Cédric the possibility of divorce. “They had agreed to sell their house in Cagnac, but still had to do the finishing work.” From what I understood, Cédric had agreed to bow to this idea and he got to work. ”, he says.

Read also: Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: screenshots in husband’s mobile sow trouble

“Difficulties in its activity”

A house which Cédric Jubillar, craftsman painter and plasterer by profession, is at the origin. “He built it himself with some friends. Then we never saw the friends again and the house remained as it was ”, tells a neighbor in Point . An unfinished building, described by many residents as “A waste reception center” or ” a building site “.

The couple do « roul [ait] not on gold “, in the words of his lawyer Jean-Baptiste Alary. Especially since according to The Dispatch, Cédric Jubillar crossed “Difficulties in its activity” which would have worsened further with the health crisis. In addition, a “Regular consumption of joints” and one “Taste for poker” which did not help, according to the regional newspaper.

Some public appearances

Since the beginning of May, Cédric Jubillar has come out of his silence a few times. After being heard by the investigating judge as a civil party, on April 30, he had posted a few lines on Facebook where he made a call “To the curious” : “You know what, go and make your fictional life somewhere else and leave me alone.” “

The Dispatch also reveals that Cédric Jubillar wrote a letter dated March 16 to the President of the Republic in which he complained of the slowness of the procedure and requested “Additional resources” to find his wife. Finally, on the advice of a loved one, he would have given up sending her

16 never, on appeared publicly for the first time during a battering to try to find his wife. According to comments reported by The Parisian , he would then have declared: “Whether I came or did not come, I knew that people were going to talk about me and criticize me. But I said to myself that it was better that I come… ”

On the sidelines of this gathering, he would also have confided in “off” to a journalist of the magazine 66 Minutes with whom he would have hypothesized a voluntary disappearance. Recently, on June 12, Cédric Jubillar participated, along with his 6-year-old son, in a white march in honor of his wife.

His new companion defends him

Rare appearances which were variously appreciated in the entourage of Delphine Jubillar. Especially since Cédric did not hesitate to expose himself recently on Facebook in the company of another woman. The last one who had initially declared to be only one « amie » was also heard by investigators.

This Friday, she stepped up to defend Cédric Jubillar. “I have spent time with him for the past two months. For me, he is innocent, he never showed me that it would be him ”, she told France 3 Occitanie. “He’s adorable, he’s endearing. He takes good care of his children, from the inside of his house. The exterior, I gave him back a taste for life so he started to take care of it ”, she adds.

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