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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: the astonishing personality of her husband

Did Cédric Jubillar kill his wife Delphine, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in Cagnac-les-Mines, a town of 2,500 inhabitants of the Tarn? The investigators and the two investigating judges lean in favor of this hypothesis, which is worth the main suspect, aged 34, to have been placed in pre-trial detention since June 18, 2021. All his requests for release have since been rejected.

Only here, if in this affair elements can suggest that this plasterer killed his wife, a night nurse, who had informed him of her intention to divorce, the mystery remains whole because there is no body, no confession and no crime scenenotes Ronan Folgoas, journalist at Parisian, who just published The Jubillar Mystery.

However, the investigators have accumulated a number of findings and testimonies that cast suspicion on Cédric Jubillar. First, the testimony of his son, then 6 years old. On the evening of his mother’s disappearance, he went to bed relatively late and watched the show’s finale with her. France has an unbelievable talent. Once in bed, around 11 p.m., he recounts having heard his parents arguing. One of them would have dropped Since that’s how it is, we’re going to separate… Worried, he would get up and see his parents grabbing his shoulders. Then he heard his mother say these words: Stop… Without knowing it, would the child have witnessed the beginning of a deadly scene?

The testimony of his son

This version contradicts above all that delivered by Cédric Jubillar to the investigators. He maintains that he went up to bed earlier. He would then have been awakened only around 3:45 a.m. by the crying of his daughter. It was then that he would have noticed the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar and that he would have alerted the gendarmes a few moments later.

The testimony of a 6-year-old child contains a certain fragility. But the investigators were nevertheless able to note that for his age, he had an astonishing memory.notes Ronan Folgoas, the journalist of Breton origin.

Other accusing testimonies: those of a mother and her daughter whose house is 130 m as the crow flies from that of the Jubillar couple. They recount having heard, while they were out on the terrace, heartbreaking cries that came from the area where Cédric and Delphine Jubillar’s home is located. And this, shortly after 11 p.m. Part of the mother’s testimony, however, remains uncertain: watching the film back to the future 2she would have gone out on the terrace when the main character is playing a guitar solo, between 10:51 p.m. and 10:55 p.m. However, at this moment, Delphine Jubillar is still alive since she sent a last message to her lover at 10:55 p.m. The neighbor’s daughter is more affirmative and indicates that they would have gone out at the time of the advertising break, at 11:07 p.m….

The meeting with Cédric Jubillar

Other elements remain against Cédric Jubillar. Especially the testimony of a fellow prisoner to whom the husband allegedly told of killing his wife and then burying her, after discovering one of the messages she was sending to her lover.

But beyond the facts, all the interest of Ronan Folgoas’ book lies in the portrait it paints of the main suspect whom he has met three times. Without the journalist knowing why, Cédric Jubillar agrees to meet him at his home, in the evening, on April 8, 2021. The one who is already the main suspect shows him around his house, talks about everything and nothing, but also about Delphine of cours. Above all, he expressed resentment towards her, evoked negative anecdotes, this role of mother that she would have gradually abandonedse souvient Ronan Folgoas.

Then suddenly the husband gets up, describes a housekeeping scene he allegedly had with his wife, and seems to mimic what he then told her: Delphine, if I ever find proof that you have a lover and that you sleep elsewhere… He stops. Then resumes: I’ll use it for the divorce… Moment suspended, strange. Ronan Folgoas admits having been a little disconcerted by this unexpected scene. Once I left him, thinking about it, I said to myself: if he’s telling me all this, it’s because he has nothing to be ashamed of. Or else… That’s the first impression I had.

A double-faced suspect

Throughout the pages, the author describes a childhood Cédric Jubillar ramshackle : a birth father whom he will see very little, placement in a foster family, a return to his mother and a stepfather whom Cédric describes as violent. As an adult, he can also turn out to be vulgar, contemptuous of Delphine and harsh towards his son. Someone who doesn’t like himself very much either. Regularly he repeats: I’m an asshole. But also charming, enterprising even if he struggles to find a stable job. He has a certain dynamism. He can be jovial and can show humornote Ronan Folgoas.

And since the beginning of this case, it also turns out player. He also plays on this sudden notorietyagrees the journalist.

In the end, does the Jubillar affair come down to a simple and tragic feminicide, that of a man who can’t stand his wife leaving him and meeting another man? Or does she keep another mystery, knowing that no other leads have emerged so far ?

The Jubillar MysteryRonan Folgoas, Editions StudioFact, 315 pages, € 19.90.

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