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Director Trias Politica Says PKS Rapimnas Changes Coalition Pattern

TEMPO.CO, JakartaPKS National Meeting just finished. In that event, PKS was canceled announce the names of the presidential candidates to be submitted to the Shura Council.

The Head of Polhukam DPP PKS, Al Muzzammil Yusuf, said that his party was just about to announce the name presidential candidate 2024 which was carried after PKS managed to secure 20 percent presidential threshold.

“We haven’t revealed the names to the public yet, so 20 percent presidential threshold fulfilled, I think my friends will see (the name of the presidential candidate promoted by PKS),” said Yusuf at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, June 21.

Executive Director of Trias Politics Strategy (TPS) Agung Baskoro said the PKS Rapimnas had provided a backdrop for the national political constellation.

“More or less bring new political traditions or change the pattern of the coalition which is always determined at the last second (last minute),” said Agung Baskoro in his statement, Tuesday, June 21, 2022.

Next: Impact after PKS National Meeting

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