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Director Seung-Woo Cho Reveals Secrets to Healthy Living and Longevity Through Brain and Diet Connection

Brain Celeb solves various issues in life from the perspective of the brain. We invited Director Seung-Woo Cho, a phytotherapist and herbal medicine pharmacist who uses the power of plants to control physical and mental health, to talk about food and health.

Director Seung-Woo Cho, who introduced the health principles that enable our bodies, which are set to live to 120 years old, to function perfectly through “Vegetable and Fruit Diet” and “Complete Expulsion,” guides us on a path back to the basics beyond the uncomfortable truth.

▲ Oriental Pharmacist Director Seung-Woo Cho

● Criteria for distinguishing between real food and fake food

In other words, real food and fake food are living food and dead food. In America, they directly call it junk food. Processed meats like Spam are heavily advertised by companies, and real food, vegetables and fruits, are under attack. Processed foods are easy to distribute in large quantities and are cheap, so you can make a lot of money by adding high distribution margins. Vegetables and fruits are not advertised. Corporate marketing and misinformation have led people to think that powdered milk is better for children than breast milk. The simplest criteria for distinguishing between real food and fake food are: First, is it heated or not? Second, was it mass-produced in a factory or naturally produced?

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● Ingredients that substitute sweetness for sugar

In July of this year, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an affiliate of the World Health Organization, announced that it would list aspartame, an artificial additive, as a carcinogen. Aspartame is found in cola, especially diet sodas, chicken radish, makgeolli, etc. In addition to aspartame, acesulfame potassium, stevia, xylitol, and allulose are all substances that were developed to replace sugar. Since sugar is not good for the body, they are replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners. Is this for the health of consumers? Sugar substitutes also continued to raise concerns that they were not good for health, and through large-scale testing, they were eventually listed as carcinogens.

When ordering chicken, check the radish content that comes with it. It is full of ingredients such as aspartame, sorbitol, and sodium saccharin. We need to pay attention to the effects these artificial sweeteners and chemical additives have on our bodies.

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● Things to keep in mind when choosing processed foods

You can’t completely avoid eating processed foods. When you go to the supermarket, most of it is processed food. Because companies know the dangers of chemical additives, they say they do not add preservatives, preservatives, or colorings to food packaging. It even says that nothing is added to foods like tofu or eggs.

You must make it a habit to read the ingredient list. People say, ‘Can you sell something you can’t eat?’ But we sell something you can’t eat. Processed foods should be considered as foods that humans should not eat. In order to create the perception that processed foods are safe, they created something ridiculous called a ‘Nutrition Facts Table’. That’s how the concept of calories came about, but in reality, calories have no meaning. What you need to pay close attention to on the nutrition facts label is trans fat. Trans fat is an ingredient that comes out when food is fried. It wasn’t long ago that humans began eating fried food. Chicken and pork cutlet are delicious. However, carcinogens are released from there. In Korea, where chicken and beer culture is popular, no one can say something like this. There are 50,000 McDonald’s stores around the world, but there are 70,000 chicken restaurants in Korea alone. So, you need to know about trans fat.

When labeling trans fat, if it is less than 0.2 grams, it can be displayed as ‘0’. Even if it says 0, it can still contain 0.19 grams of trans fat. Fried foods, including snacks, should be eaten very rarely. The next thing to look at on the nutrition facts label is carbohydrates. You can think of carbohydrates in processed foods as being the same as sugar. Let’s take a look at ramen. It has 79 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of sugar, and is also high in sodium, and although it is fried in oil, it has 0 trans fat. Ramen is a sweet, salty and spicy fried food. When choosing processed foods, don’t focus on calories, but first check how many grams of carbohydrates there are.

● How to succeed in dieting

Now I am 177 centimeters tall and weigh 62 kilograms. At one point, I weighed up to 80 kilograms. It’s been about 10 years since I maintained my current weight, and I learned the principles of dieting through my experience of dying and coming back to life. If you want to continue to succeed in dieting, you must not be fooled by claims that ‘what’s good’. There is no such thing. Dieting is not about losing weight. Diet is the management of the food you eat on a daily basis. When your health recovers, you will lose or gain weight on its own. Your body is designed to find an appropriate weight on its own.

Dieting begins with eating live food. At this time, remember the 7:3 ratio. Eat live foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts in a ratio of 7, and dead processed foods in a ratio of 3. Just by doing this, your body will change in just one month. Then, you will avoid bad foods and naturally reduce your consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee.

In particular, morning is a very important time when the body needs to expel waste and waste. So, if you must eat breakfast, eat vegetables and fruits. 2 meals for lunch and dinner in 30 days is 60 meals, so divide it 7 to 3. 52 times you eat live food, and 18 times you can eat whatever you want, whether it’s ramen or chicken. However, we recommend that you always start your morning with live vegetables and fruits.

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● Immutable laws of diet

No matter what enters our body, toxins must first be excreted properly. The reason why I get sick is because I eat food that I shouldn’t eat. Second, the immune system is so weak that it cannot be excreted properly. So, you have to experience complete exhaustion. If you still feel hungry after eating and still crave for food, you have already become accustomed to processed foods. It is said that the basis of health and longevity is eating small meals, so why should we eat small meals?

Humans can live for more than 60 days just by drinking water. Once we stop letting food in, our body starts expelling it on its own. The key to drainage is the lymphatic system, and if this function is smooth, complete drainage is possible.

● Tips for a flawless vegetable and fruit diet

If you eat vegetables and fruits, you are often attacked for raising your sugar and liver levels. Some say that apples, sweet potatoes, and bananas should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Such claims are especially prevalent in our country. When people become anxious about vegetables and fruits, they end up eating more processed foods or nutritional supplements. People say, ‘If you eat vegetables and fruits, you won’t be able to use your energy because you don’t have enough protein,’ but that’s not true. Gorillas and elephants, which are much stronger than humans, are both vegetarian animals.

Processed food is the main meal, vegetables are side dishes, and fruit is dessert. We recommend that you eat vegetables and fruits first as your main meal. If you eat enough vegetables and fruits, you don’t need to take any nutritional supplements. Isn’t it a bit strange that they say it’s okay to take megadoses of vitamin C and high doses of vitamin D, but why they say you shouldn’t juice vegetables and fruits because it increases liver levels?

The problem with fruit juice is that it is made into a processed beverage. Nutrients were destroyed during the sterilization process, and various additives, including artificial fructose, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup, were added, which caused problems. In addition, eating fruit as dessert after a meal affected sugar and liver levels. Try eating vegetables and fruits for breakfast for just two weeks. Salads, smoothies, juicing, anything will work.

● Detox, that is, the reason why you need to do a thorough elimination.

Detox is used to mean detoxification, that is, expelling toxins. I would describe detox as a complete discharge. Complete discharge is a process to eliminate inflammation, which is the cause of various diseases, including cancer. Inflammation is a very natural phenomenon that occurs when our body fights a virus. There must be inflammation for healing to occur. However, if inflammation does not go away and becomes chronic, it can cause various diseases.

If there is complete discharge, even if there are cancer cells, they will not grow more than 1 centimeter. Cells in our body regenerate on average in 80 to 100 days. Cancer cells also appear and disappear by the thousands every day. Cancer cells appear even in bodies that are disease-free and live until the age of 120.

I normally excrete it completely so that the cancer cells disappear. The lymphatic system, which is the core of immunity, facilitates the discharge of toxins to prevent cancer cells from accumulating in lymph sacs. I hope you understand why you need to do a thorough discharge.

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● When should complete discharge occur and what symptoms occur?

Cancer patients should begin complete elimination right away. If you have physical discomfort such as headaches, menstrual cramps, or constipation, first try complete elimination and a vegetable and fruit diet. Since we recommend complete elimination, some people ask about coffee enemas, but not only is coffee still a controversial food, but our bodies are supposed to come in through the mouth and go out through the anus, so putting something in through the anus doesn’t make us feel better. Before administering an enema, you must first switch to a vegetable or fruit diet, or fast.

Once you empty your body, it will be completely eliminated naturally. During the complete elimination process, you should not take any medications if you experience diarrhea, headache, or runny nose. In the early stages of attempting complete discharge, pain naturally follows.

The most representative natural healing response of our body is fever. As heat is generated, bad substances in the body are burned. Our body maintains a constant body temperature of 36.5 to 37.5 degrees. Isn’t it said that if the body temperature drops by even 1 degree, the immunity decreases by about 30%?

It is said that cancer cells metastasize and become most active at 35 degrees. In that case, you shouldn’t start with iced Americano. Constipation is a sign that chronic inflammation has already built up in the body, so do not overlook this and try to completely eliminate it for two weeks first.

● Danger signals sent by the liver and kidneys, which are detoxifying organs.

The liver and kidneys are the largest detoxification organs in our body. If you swallow something you shouldn’t eat, you vomit. If it passes into the intestines without vomiting, it is expelled as diarrhea. However, the artificial additives contained in processed foods are substances that mankind has never encountered. The same goes for sugar and fried foods. When these foods enter the body, the liver and kidneys go into chaos. Everyone, there will be ‘belly ham’ in your stomach. That’s what the kidneys ordered. Since it cannot go to the brain and heart, it is stored as fat in the stomach, thighs, and forearms. You should know that gaining weight is a danger signal sent by the liver and kidneys.

● ‘CCA juice’ helps complete elimination

First, eat the vegetables and fruits that are in the refrigerator. For complete discharge, there is a juice that I named. ‘CCA Juice’. C for Carrot, C for Cabbage, and A for Apple. At one time, detox juices were popular, and the basic rule of CCA juice is not to heat it. This is a juice I created through trial and error while having a coronary angiogram in the past, drinking bulletproof coffee, and trying a low-carb diet.

I drink about 1 liter of CCA juice in the morning and have peaches, apples, sweet potatoes, and bananas for lunch. Still, I don’t feel weak or weak and can maintain concentration well. First, try drinking CCA juice only in the morning for two weeks. Your body changes. If you don’t have apples, carrots, or cabbage, you can add bananas, kiwi, or celery if you have them. If you completely eliminate it, you no longer need to spend energy looking for functional foods that are said to be good for your body or finding your own constitution.

CCA juice is not new. Many people drink squeezed juice, and especially in Korea, there are many stories of cancer patients curing themselves naturally with green juice. On the contrary, the hospital tells me not to take this type of juice along with herbal medicine because it raises liver levels. Fruit juices that are not additive-free can be problematic because they contain added sugar. However, there is no reason to be afraid of juices that contain only raw fruits and vegetables.

● Case of cure of disease through complete discharge

I have seen countless cases while providing clinical consultation over the past 10 years. There are countless cases where the health condition has improved through complete elimination without prescription of herbal medicine. I have a major problem with defecation, and even if I defecate every day, I can become constipated. Constipation occurs when I think I defecate normally, but harmful waste remains in my body. It is different from the general concept of constipation.

One cancer patient had a bowel movement once a day, but after drinking CCA juice for two weeks, the volume of bowel movements increased so much that he even took a picture and sent it to me. I said congratulations. Through complete excretion, the functions of the stomach, liver, and kidneys are revived, and the body is created to withstand anticancer drugs and radiation treatment.

Everyone, don’t believe in cases or statistics, but believe in yourself. Trust your body and try to completely eliminate it. I’m not selling drugs. My house doesn’t run an orchard or fruit shop. It just tells the truth, but the truth is uncomfortable. If you start with a ratio of vegetable and fruit food to regular food at 7:3 and gradually adjust it to 8:2 and 9:1, and make complete elimination a habit, you can achieve better health than now.

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● Diet input to brain evolved over 15 million years

There is a lot of interest in the brain these days. There is a lot of research being done on the relationship between the brain and food, and interest in sleep is growing in terms of brain health. I am not going to talk about the structure and function of the brain here, but I would like you to consider that it took 15 million years for the brains of early humans to become the brains we have today.

The brain continued to evolve, and is said to have evolved into the current brain about 200,000 years ago. And the current DNA was completed 100,000 years ago at the latest. However, our eating habits have changed so much over the past 50 years that many problems have arisen.

Before purchasing cancer or dementia insurance, eating the foods we humans originally enjoyed is fundamentally the way to stay healthy. The basis of the food is vegetables and fruits. Substances that plants produce to protect themselves are called phytochemicals, which protect plants from pests such as various pests, viruses, and microorganisms. When we eat vegetables and fruits, phytochemicals play their role in our bodies and act as antioxidants that inhibit cell damage. Also, since plants could not move, they tempted animals and humans with their sweet taste to spread their seeds, and humans, who developed a taste for sweetness, developed various artificial sweeteners, including refined sugar. This damaged the brain’s appetite control system, leading to dementia and cancer. You get the same disease. To this extent, our brains are greatly affected by what kind of food we eat.

But this question may arise here. ‘According to what you said, people in the old days ate only vegetables and fruits and lived without processed foods, but why did they all die so quickly?’ In the pre-first era, it was not always possible to eat as much vegetables and fruits as you can now. There were many environmental factors that threatened survival.

What I am emphasizing is to go back to the basics. Once you change your diet, your body will feel better. Natural healing is not unscience. Leading cancer centers around the world also change their diet. At a nursing hospital that cares for dementia patients, they do not provide cereal or processed meat in the morning.

● Don’t be anxious, go back to basics

Many people come to the herbal medicine pharmacy I run, and when I consult them, most of them are anxious. I think the reason is that although there is too much information about health, we actually know too little about our own bodies.

Most people worry about toilet and sleep problems. But since when did we say that you can sleep well if you sleep for 8 hours without even urinating? If you wake up two or three times in the middle of the night, your sleep quality is said to be poor. I don’t think that this or that health principle is necessarily true because I believe that our brains and bodies have evolved to cope and adapt to a variety of situations.

If we eat right, our body is equipped with a system that allows us to live to be 100 years old. Also, even if you have a disability, you can enjoy health and happiness. Don’t be anxious, just go back to the basics.

Health functional foods, are they necessary?

There are probably many people who take health functional foods such as omega-3, vitamins, lactic acid bacteria, and magnesium every day. Controversy over health functional foods still persists. Multivitamins were almost expelled in the United States due to their many side effects, and research reports show that calcium supplements increase the risk of heart attack.

In July of this year, guidelines were announced not to prescribe omega-3 to patients with coronary artery disease. There have also been reports that taking high doses of vitamin D increases the mortality rate.

Health functional foods should be taken only when truly necessary. Rather than for prevention purposes, try taking it for about 3 months when you feel it is necessary for your body. It is safe to take it for 3 months, take a break for 3 months, and then take it again if necessary. This is because you need to give your liver and kidneys time to rest.

● 7 things to focus on and 3 things to reduce

The first thing to consider is breathing. Being aware of your breathing has a profound impact on your health. Learn danjeon breathing or abdominal breathing. The second is eating live food, and the third is sleep. Find out what sleep time is right for you. The fourth is sun exposure, and the fifth is exercise. We especially recommend walking barefoot. There are many benefits to walking barefoot on dirt paths, even if you don’t have to run for hours. Sixth, do volunteer work. Helping others can help increase your happiness. Lastly, the seventh thing is to be thankful. An attitude of gratitude increases the value of life.

The first thing to reduce is greed. Greed takes us to the wrong places. The second is obsession and consumption. This gets in the way of a prosperous life. The third and final one is stress. Stress is truly the root of all diseases. Don’t ignore stress, find your own way to deal with it.

● The importance of brain utilization for a healthy and happy life

Don’t trust information, trust the power of your brain. If you trust your brain, infinite positive power will emerge. Reset your standards for health and happiness with the power of positivity. ‘Natural people’ who go to the mountains after living under stress due to their own problems naturally regain their health and live self-satisfied lives. Many viewers feel envious when they see that. If we look at what natural people have in common, it is that they ultimately put their brains at ease. I lived according to nature.

If you follow the natural path without going into the mountains, you can live a healthy and satisfying life. You just have to set that standard yourself. I think that practicing the seven things mentioned above is a good use of your brain.

Summary_Editorial Department

2023-12-20 09:56:00

#브레인 #셀럽 #Vegetable #fruit #diet #complete #elimination

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