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Director of Ràdio Lleida-Ser Catalunya Passes Away at 59


The director of Ràdio Lleida-Ser Catalunya, Josep Lluís Cadena, died this Monday at the age of 59, as reported by the station itself.

Cadena started working at Ser in 1994 as head of promotion and marketing, he was president of the Col legi de Periodistes de Lleida and also a radio professor at the University of Lleida.

“The colleagues of Ser Lleida regret the loss of an optimistic person, fighter and staunch defender of the radio,” they have transferred in a tweet on the profile of the station collected by Europa Press.

2023-09-04 20:38:51
#Josep #Lluís #Cadena #director #Ràdio #Lleida #dies #age

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