In the Sami & Sykkö podcast, Kari Hotakainen’s book review is discussed.
Supplier Sami Sykkö54, and a dance legend Jorma Uotinen74, discuss Sami & Jorma on the podcast Kari Hotakainen67, about the one that sparked the discussion Pearlfrom the book.
There was a stir when the work was published under the Pirkka brand, and it is sold exclusively in K-group grocery stores. As a protest to Hotakainen’s and publisher Siltala’s decision, the Vinha bookstore located in Ruovedi announced that it will remove Hotakainen’s previously sold books from its selection for the time being.
– So literature has now become a Pirkka product, Uotinen states on the subject in the episode before asking Sykö for his opinion.
Sami Sykkö and Jorma Uotinen disagree about Kari Hotakainen’s book review. PASI LEISMA
Sykkö reflects on how, over time, many products have been sold in supermarkets, such as fashion, flowers and alcoholic beverages. He ponders why exactly the transfer of books has aroused indignation in people.
– Bookstores are suffering. The bookstore industry has gone downhill anyway with audiobooks and the fact that people want everything for free and consume less literature. It’s not like that [päätös] now Herranen sounds pretty good, says the journalist.
Sykkö also wonders if the author with a background in advertising has done a visible marketing trick for his work. Sykkö says he opposes the decision in any case. Uotinen disagrees.
– Actually, I’m not against it, because this can be a new income angle, which will make more literature sold. I don’t immediately condemn this act, even though it is condemnable, he states.
– Se [päätös] probably only applies to this one work. It is not all of Hotakainen’s production that would be transferred to the Pirkka line, he reminds.
Hotakainen recently commented on the uproar on MTV’s Huomenta Suomi morning show.
– Of course, it is a great pleasure to be boycotted on behalf of such wise and discerning men. It’s nice when two seniors comment on the activities of one senior. It’s always refreshing, he said sarcastically, referring to the bookstore’s entrepreneurs and merchants I went to Vainio and Mikko Vartiainen.
According to information received by MTV Field this The guard are not pensioners by age or status.
The uproar created by author Kari Hotakainen’s Helmi book also arouses discussion in Sykö and Uotila’s podcast. Antti Mannermaa
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