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Direct on Instagram with four people: how do you do it?

Three and a half years it has cost Instagram to offer us the possibility of broadcasting live with more people. It was in October 2017 that the news of the direct on Instagram with two people, something that many of us have already taken a lot out of. Now, we can do direct on Instagram with four people, although for now the deployment is being staggered and not everyone has this active possibility in their profile. Do you want to know how to do it? We explain it to you.

How to direct on Instagram with four people

This new function, within its Live Rooms, allows you to split the screen to broadcast with one, two or three other people apart from the host. To do this, you just have to go to the section where you upload Stories and select the option Direct. Create a title for your live show and at the bottom, where the people icon appears, click to add guests. You can also add the guests once the live has started or ask them to click on Request to join so that you can accept them.

live rooms

live rooms

These direct to four people can be very useful if we have a relatively public profile, to promote our work or simply to chat with friends.

Why can’t I do it?

If you have tried a thousand times but you cannot get up to three more people to connect, this is because the direct ones on Instagram with four people are gradually reaching all the users that make up the social network. In Spain there are already those who have this option enabled in their account and they have even been able to see some of these broadcasts. We recommend that always keep the app updated to its latest version so that, as soon as your user is eligible, you can start enjoying this feature.

Via | Instagram

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