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Direct municipal: can we be a candidate in a municipality where we do not vote? From Nice to Toulon the latest news

In this weekly live, find:

  • Fréjus, Annie Soler joins Emmanuel Bonnemain
  • List Yellow Vest in Nice
  • “Hitler Mustache” on posters in Saint-Raphaël
  • Fake campaign leaflets in Nice
  • Green flow project in Antibes for LREM candidate François Zema
  • Outgoing mayor Hubert Falco finally declares himself in Toulon (LR)
  • Death threat to a mayor in Gourdon
  • Marine Le Pen visits Nice, supporting candidates

Can we be a candidate in a municipality where we do not vote?

The answer is yes, and this is the case in Carros for two candidates:

  • Michel Thooris, ran in 2014 with the Rassemblement Bleu Marine (he won 17.62% of the vote). In 2020, he ran again, but was not invested by the National Rally (the support party Marcel Duthilleul). It turns out that this candidate lives in Paris.
  • Alain Bouilleaux, Lutte Ouvrière candidate since 1995. He lives and votes in Gattières.

Neither of them is registered on the electoral rolls of Carros, but both can be candidates in the municipality, because they pay a tax of housing on a real property (secondary residence or garage).
These are two of the six candidates declared in this commune, candidates to whom we gave the floor in Place Politique. To discover next Monday at 11.53 a.m. and 7 p.m. on France 3 Côte d’Azur

  • Fréjus, Annie Soler joins Emmanuel Bonnemain

Annie Soler, formerly with the Republicans, left alone in the countryside without a label, joined Emmanuel Bonnemain. She exercised several mandates: elected by majority from 2001 to 2014 as municipal councilor then assistant to former mayor Elie Brun.
In her publication dated February 17, Annie Soler explains that she wants “A list without labels, of different sensitivities excluding extremes gathered around a single objective: the success of our city”

The two lists therefore merge and Emmanuel Bonnemain takes the lead. The number of lists in Fréjus is reduced, Joël Hervé having withdrawn his list. He explains his decision on his blog:

A brown cloud threatens to suffocate the city again. Faced with this danger, the ecological and social democratic list that I am driving withdrew – Joël Hervé

He says he regrets the refusal to group candidates for a “common list against extremes”

  • List Yellow Vest in Nice

In Nice, citizens from the yellow vests movement wish to draw up a list for the municipal elections. One of the spokespersons, Patrice Benoit, relay the invitation to a public and outdoor meeting on Sunday on the hill of the castle.
The objective is not necessarily to win the elections but rather to be heard through a ballot. For this, the list needs 70 running mate and hope to get them by Thursday, February 27 (deadline for depositing the lists). The organized event will take the form of a picnic, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the esplanade of the Chateau hill.

  • “Hitler Mustache” on posters in Saint-Raphaël

The candidate for the municipal elections in Saint-Raphaël: Fabien Hurel, complained to the police station, for degrading campaign posters. Indeed, a mustache was drawn on the candidate’s face as well as the inscription “FACHO”. According to the candidate, this is not the first time. The head of the list, invested by Debout La France, says he is not understanding:

I am not an extremist, it is an attempt at discrediting but I will not let myself be done – Fabien Hurel

The complaint against X has (so far) not been accepted by the prosecutor. In the meantime, the campaign team says it is vigilant and wants to “fight for democracy”. Candidate Benoît Kandel (former assistant to Christian Estrosi) and Jean-Marc Governatori paid the price for a campaign of false leaflets. Glossy leaflets have been placed on the windshields of cars showing the colors and photos of each. The content of these leaflets aims to criticize the two candidates by reproducing quotes and press articles which serve them.

Fake leaflet in Nice Benoît Kandel, on the left the fake, on the right the original / © O.Chartier FTV
Fake leaflet in Nice Benoît Kandel, on the left the fake, on the right the original / © O.Chartier FTV

Benoît Kandel has filed a complaint, he hopes that the “3000 cameras in the city will make it possible to find the culprits”.

Basically it means that I disturb, that I annoy, it’s a good sign – Benoît Kandel

Jean-Marc Governatori says he is in solidarity with the procedure of Benoît Kandel, but has not filed a complaint yet. He intends to write to the public prosecutor of Nice, to testify in the procedure initiated by Benoît Kandel.

Editing a false leaflet can be expensive, indeed, the culprit risks a summons to appear for “fraudulent maneuver” and “publication of a montage without the consent of the interested party”. These crimes are punishable by one year imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros, as well as an additional penalty of deprivation of civil rights (ineligibility).

During the municipal elections of 2014, a case of “false leaflet” shook the campaign. Marine Le Pen was sentenced to 10,000 euros fine (by the correctional court of Béthune in Pas-de-Calais) for “false leaflets” by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, distributed by FN activists. The president of the National Front was released by the court of Douai which considered “that in the current state, the elements do not allow to demonstrate that Marine Le Pen is at the origin of the leaflets nor that its criminal responsibility is engaged “.

  • Green flow project in Antibes for LREM candidate François Zema

Inspired by the green flow of Nice, François Zema, LREM candidate for mayor of Antibes-Juan-les-Pins presents a similar project. In smaller proportions, the project offers a green space connecting the station to the Fort Carré.

The emphasis is on accessibility, since this area will be at the heart of a real multi-modal area – François Zema

The content of his proposal:
– “the creation of a new Sncf station located slightly north of the current station, and the development of a large” kiss and ride “square located just in front of”
– “the creation of an underground car park under the new forecourt of the station”
– “the repair of the load shedding car park at the entrance to the town”
– “the development of a large green corridor with a pedestrian path and transverse links to Port Vauban”
– “the development of a cycle path through the green corridor, secure and separate from the pedestrian path”

The project does not explain what would become of Fort Carré spaces that host cultural events nor the DNA social emergency service (Night Reception) which is in this space. Contacted, the candidate explained that he wanted to “move the reception at night, remove the tent and keep the spaces of Fort Carré within the green corridor”.

  • Outgoing mayor Hubert Falco finally declares himself in Toulon (LR)

It was no secret, but the outgoing mayor of Toulon, Hubert Falco, is running again for a fourth term. In a letter addressed to all Toulonnais dated February 10, he explains the reasons and defends his record.

In the balance sheet, the outgoing mayor highlights the decline in debt, we checked the city’s accounts via the Ministry of the Economy. The debt has fallen by 42.36% since 2001. For its part, the debt per capita fell from 1,146 euros to 477 euros in 2018, a decrease of 41.62%.

Toulon is on the first step of the podium in terms of the amount of taxes per capita (498.70 euros) according to a study by the think tank: IFRAP (Foundation for research on administrations and public policies). This study covers the top 30 cities in France with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Note that according to the foundation: “Toulon refused to collaborate in the comparison, the figures were therefore established from the data provided by the DGCL and the Ministry of the Economy. ”

  • Death threat to a mayor in Gourdon

An envelope containing ammunition and a photo of the mayor’s youngest daughter was deposited in the town hall. For several months, a building construction project has opposed the residents of Gourdon. For the mayor, it is very likely that this threat is linked to these tensions. Find the details in the full article.

My wife and daughters are traumatized. Receiving such a threat is hyper-amazing. We are not used to such practices in our village. But I am assuming it more, because I know that I am the target – Eric Mèle Mayor of Gourdon

Gourdon / © France 3Gourdon / © France 3
Gourdon / © France 3
  • Marine Le Pen visits Nice, supporting candidates

This Friday, February 21, the president of the National Rally party is visiting Nice. Tribute to the dead, sharp walk, Marine Le Pen is received by Philippe Vardon for the municipal elections.

Marine Le Pen on a sharp point in Nice on Friday February 21. She is visiting to support the candidates. / © Djamel Moaki FTVMarine Le Pen on a sharp point in Nice on Friday February 21. She is visiting to support the candidates. / © Djamel Moaki FTV
Marine Le Pen on a sharp point in Nice on Friday February 21. She is visiting to support the candidates. / © Djamel Moaki FTV

For these elections, we made the choice to invest solid teams. Quality has been given priority over number – Marine Le Pen

According to the president, “a certain number of cities have a potential to be won” in the Alpes-Maritimes. For the moment, unlike Var, with the regularly cited example of Fréjus, the National Rally is not at the head of any city. According to Marine Le Pen, there are “winnable” cities like La trinité or Menton.

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