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DIRECT. Migration, disability, digital … We talk about everything at the Citizens’ Conference


friday january 17

6:05 p.m.

In video, the interview with Darline Cothière, director of the House of journalists

video, the interview with Estelle-Sarah Bulle, novelist who participated in the round table on the Overseas:

5:52 p.m.

The digital debate continues in the Nave:

5:49 p.m.

Sophie Beau explains that the SOS Mediterranean association was created on a moral imperative and a legal basis.

5:47 p.m.

Chaunu’s fresco is gaining momentum.

5:40 p.m.

Sophie Beau, CEO of SOS Mediterranean, go up on the stage of the big auditorium. The association saves lives at sea: 30,000 people have been rescued since 2016.

5:36 p.m.

The digital conference is very popular in the Nave.

5:36 p.m.

At the Agora, we talk about culture.

5:34 p.m.

The debate on disabilities and inclusion in the territories is over.

5:28 p.m.

5:26 p.m.

François Hollande meets Ouest-France subscribers at the Convent of the Jacobins.

5:21 p.m.

It is time for questions from the public in the round table on disabilities and inclusion.

5:19 p.m.

The round table on Brittany ends.

5:04 p.m.

@Live together_

5:04 p.m.

Hicham Mansouri meets our readers. About 20 subscribers of the Ouest-France newspaper were able to meet the Moroccan journalist Hicham Mansouri who had to go into exile because he could not practice his profession in his country.

4:50 p.m.

In video, the highlights of the round table on the Overseas :

4:41 p.m.

High school students in the Agora:

4:35 p.m.

Advertising photographer Élise Dumontet created a series of portraits of people with disabilities to change the look. She exhibited her photos in Rennes on the occasion of Living together and went on stage to explain her approach before the start of the round table on disabilities and inclusion.

4:33 p.m.

Two round tables to come in the two large rooms of the Jacobins Convent in Rennes:

In the large auditorium, Disabilities, how to achieve inclusion in the territories? with Anne Harel, vice-president of the departmental council of La Manche, Christel Prado, ex-president UNAPEI (National Union of associations of parents, people with intellectual disabilities and their friends) and Philippe Feray, father of an autistic child, member of the Board of Directors of Autisme Basse-Normandie.

In the Nave, presentation of the consultation The Word to the Bretons with Loïg Chesnais-Girard, President of the Brittany Region (PS), Alex Dauchez, President of Make.org and Olivier Sichel, Deputy Director General of Caisse des Dépôts, Director of the Bank of Territories.

4:30 p.m.

In video, the highlights of the round table on the support of our seniors:

4:26 p.m.

François Hollande supports Ségolène Royal. Invité de Vivre ensemble, the national assizes of citizenship, organized by Ouest-France, in Rennes, the former President of the Republic has defended his former partner Ségolène Royal, who will probably be removed from his duties as ambassador of poles, by the government.

4:21 p.m.

In video, the highlights of the round table on the sharing of public space between men and women:

4:21 p.m.

The app that saves. Every second counts when you have a heart attack. Thanks to the Staying alive app, presented at Vivre ensemble, people trained in first aid can intervene before firefighters arrive.

4:19 p.m.

In video, the highlights of the round table on the daily life of mayors:

4:14 p.m.

4:06 p.m.

End of the overseas debate with a question from the public on the referendum.

4:05 p.m.

Meanwhile, we hurry to the signing session of François Hollande.

4:04 p.m.

The debate over territorial divides in Europe is coming to an end.

3:49 p.m.

Let’s go for the masterclass on video games, led by Loup Lassinat-Foubert.

3:48 p.m.

The uprooting of ultra-sailors at the heart of discussions in the large auditorium.

3:37 p.m.

3:35 p.m.

In video, the highlights of François Hollande’s intervention at the National Citizenship Conference:

3:32 p.m.

On video, the interview with Romain Gizolme, Director AD-PA (Association of Directors serving the Elderly)

3:31 p.m.

Denis Mac Shane, former British Labor Minister, it is not certain that Brexit will become reality by the end of January.

3:29 p.m.

In video, the interview with Corinne Luxembourg, Lecturer in geography at the National School of Architecture in Paris, author of What kind of city?

3:28 p.m.

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Who wants to be mayor? Sixty days before the municipal elections, two mayors came to testify at Vivre ensemble, the National Assizes of Citizenship, at the Couvent des Jacobins, Rennes convention center. So ? Hard, hard to be mayor … And yet, what a beautiful mandate!

3:24 p.m.

In video, the interview of Jacques Lévy, geographer :

3:24 p.m.

3:20 p.m.

Two new round tables at the Citizens’ Assizes in Rennes.

In the large auditorium, Overseas: a history, roots and forgotten territories? with Valérie Andanson, spokesperson for the Federation of Uprooted Children of Overseas Departments and Regions, Estelle-Sarah Bulle, novelist, and Alexis Tiouka, Amerindian and Guyanese lawyer, defender of the cause of indigenous peoples.

In the Nave, territorial fractures in Europe, with Denis MacShane, former British Minister for Foreign Affairs (Labor), Eric Maurice, manager of the Brussels office, Robert Schuman Foundation, and Antonio Rodriguez, economic journalist at Agence France Presse and co-author of L’appel des sirènes

3:18 p.m.

When we tell you that François Hollande is in great demand …


3:17 p.m.

Handshakes, photos … François Hollande is in great demand at the end of his conference.

3:17 p.m.

François Hollande proposes to limit the number of local terms in time.

3:14 p.m.

François Hollande pleads for a renewal of political staff so that it is more in line with the composition of the country.

3:13 p.m.

François Hollande, whose intervention has just ended, calls for a rebalancing of skills in the territories.

3:03 p.m.

François Hollande answers questions from the audience in the large François Régis Hutin auditorium.


3:02 p.m.

@Live together_

2:56 p.m.

Daniel Herrero is not stingy with good words, in the debate on sport and territories:

2:54 p.m.

France 3 Bretagne is live from the Agora:

2:51 p.m.

Daniel Herrero’s faconde captivates the public of the Nave:

2:51 p.m.

François Hollande offers several avenues to renew democracy, among which the abolition of the post of Prime Minister.


2:44 p.m.

It is full of ideas in the Agora and in the citizen village:

2:39 p.m.

The debate on sport and territories continues in the Nave

2:37 p.m.

Francois Hollande looks back on his experience of power and delivers his vision of France in 2020.

2:27 p.m.

He has to have sport in the Nave with a debate in which Daniel Herrero, the rugby player with the famous headband, takes part

2:25 p.m.

François Hollande is on stage at the Convent of the Jacobins. He answers questions from journalists Michel Urvoy and Stéphane Vernay.

2:14 p.m.

Debates will resume in a few minutes in Rennes.

Francois Hollande, former President of the Republic (2012-2017), will be the great witness in the auditorium François Régis Hutin

In the Nave, a debate “How does sport adapt to territories?” will bring together Hugo Bourbillères, lecturer at VIPS² in Rennes 2, Daniel Herrero, writer, former trainer of RC Toulon and PUC, and Yoann Mascart, regional director of the association “Sport dans la ville”

2:09 p.m.

In video, the interview with Benoît Coquard, sociology researcher CESAER-INRA:

2:09 p.m.

In video, back on the opening of Vivre ensemble by Louis Échelard, Chairman of the Management Board of Ouest-France:

2:06 p.m.

Three photo exhibitions are presented to the public from the Convent of the Jacobins, in Rennes: photos by Elise Dumontet, Johnny Miller and an original exhibition by the Maison des Journalistes and Magnum.


2:02 p.m.

In video, the interview with Emmanuel Couet, President of Rennes Métropole and Mayor of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande:

2:01 p.m.

Cartoonist Chaunu began to draw his fresco for the third edition of Living Together. He explains his work to visitors:


1:53 p.m.

In video, the highlights of the debate on “the territorial mille-feuille” :

1:51 p.m.

In video, the highlights of the face-to-face meeting on “France, the territorial archipelago” :

1:08 p.m.

In video, the highlights of the “Growing away from cities” debate :

1:07 p.m.

The debates mark a break at the Convent of the Jacobins. They will resume at 2:15 pm Until then, we will offer you a series of videos to relive the discussions of the morning.


For two days, Ouest-France subscribers present their initiatives with The place. This is the case, for example, the Célestin Poilu Disparu association, who wants to list the soldiers of the First World War who died in combat but whose bodies have never been found.–


At the Agora, the public discovered a very useful service this afternoon called Sherlook. You are a “serial loser” and you dream of a solution to find your business? Launched a year ago in Rennes, the Sherlook.fr site allows people who have lost an object to be linked with those who may have found it.


Olivier Richefou, president of the departmental council of Mayenne, is not convinced by the major regions:


The debate on supporting seniors, in the Nave, discusses in particular the question of financing


The debate on the territorial mille-feuille continues in the large auditorium:


There is always something going on in the citizen village to live together.


Latifa Ibn Ziaten’s message. Her son was one of the victims of the terrorist Mohammed Merah in 2012. Since then, Latifa Ibn Ziaten has been fighting radicalization among young people and detainees with her association Imad, for youth and peace. She confided in our journalists this morning.



@Live together_


Two new sequences this afternoon at the Convent of the Jacobins.

The territorial mille-feuille: a French exception => in the grand auditorium

What support for our seniors tomorrow? => in the Nave



The geographer Jacques Lévy decrypts Emmanuel Macron’s strategy to counter intermediate bodies.


For Corinne Luxembourg, which debates in the Nave, on the place of women in public space, the decision-makers are too often men, which is not without consequences for urban planning:


Jérôme Fourquet talks about the weight of Facebook in the Yellow Vests movement:


A project that does good to the planet is presented at the Agora:


Face-to-face in France, a territorial archipelago, traces the 14 months that have passed since the arrival of the yellow vests on the roundabouts.


In the Nave, we list solutions for women to reclaim public space :


Let’s go for the face-to-face on divided France in the large François Régis Hutin auditorium:



In the Nave, the debate continues around the place of women in public space :


Jérôme Fourquetsayhead of the opinion department of the Ifop Institute, used to juggle statistics to take the pulse of the country. His latest investigations were controversial by drawing a portrait of an increasingly “multiple” and “divided” France. So many developments that he began to observe at Le Mans when he was a teenager.


France: a territorial archipelago? This is the title of the face-to-face which will oppose in a few moments, in the large auditorium, Jérôme Fourquet, political scientist, director of opinion and business strategies for Ifop, author of The French archipelago, and Jacques Lévy, political geographer.


In the Agora, we talk about care and the health system this morning :


Associations and companies have their place to Live together:


Women excluded from public space in the city?Lecturer at Bordeaux-Montaigne University, Yves Raibaud is a specialist in the geography of gender. In his work, he explains that public space is a place of male domination.


How to share the public space between men and women? This is the theme of the round table which begins in the Nave. The work of researcher Yves Raibaud has shown that public space is a place of male domination. In Rennes, measures are taken to try to give more room to women. And it starts at the playground.


Not enough young people, women, employees … Mayors, “the last bastion of democracy”, look less and less like their fellow citizens, worries Martial Foucault, professor at Sciences Po Paris. The crisis threatens.


@Live together_


Rural employment, a battle, according to sociologist Benoît Coquard, who participates in the round table “Growing far from cities”:


Latifa Ibn Ziaten continues to interact with the public. After the large auditorium, the founder of the Imad association for youth and peace, spoke in the Agora.



Being mayor in rural areas, a delicate mission, according to the participants of our round table in the Nave of the Jacobins Convent:


Living and growing in rural areas is perhaps not that different than living and growing up in the suburbs, according to journalist Emmanuel Vaillant.


Emmanuel Couet, mayor of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande and president of Rennes Métropole, testifies in the Nave


Video highlights of Latifa Ibn Ziaten’s speech, at the opening of the third National Citizenship Conference, in Rennes:


The theme of the Assizes of citizenship 2020 seen by our designer Chaunu, who will improvise a 20 m² fresco during these two days to illustrate, in his own way, living together and the themes of this year, in particular the territories.



Growing up far from big citiesis the title of a round table which opens in the large auditorium. With Benoît Coquard, researcher in sociology CESAER-INRA, David Lopez, author of Fief, And Emmanuel Vaillant, journalist specializing in youth and education issues.


Latifa Ibn Ziaten answers questions from the audience in the François Régis Hutin auditorium.


The debates of the Nave and the Agora are filmed, you can follow them live.


Debates will begin in the Nave, a hall with 400 seats, with a first round table on mayors, two months before the first round of municipal elections.


Latifa Ibn Ziaten addresses the audience and presents his wishes for the new year:

“May 2020 bring you peace, brotherhood and love”


Latifa Ibn Ziaten, founder of the Imad association for youth and peace, goes up on stage, very applauded by the public, in the company of Rennes secondary school students (the 4th 2 of the Hautes-Ourmes college, to be precise).


@Live together_


Louis Échelard, Chairman of the Executive Board of Ouest-France, summarizes the objective of this third edition of the Assizes of citizenship:

“Talking, exchanging, confronting our points of view”



Latifa Ibn Ziaten, great witness of the morning, met Louis Échelard, president of the Management Board of Ouest-France, just before the opening of the event.


The François Régis Hutin Grand Auditorium, the Nave and the Agorais the name of the three rooms that host the various debates of Living Together. At the end of each highlight, the public can ask questions directly in the room to the speakers, by SMS, or on Twitter with the hashtags # AssisesCitoyitié and #VivreEnsemble


The speakers will give meaning to two words: living together. Two simple words. But an ambition which implies mutual respect, listening, acceptance of the plurality of opinions… So many efforts in a society which is losing more and more the sense of dialogue. Read the editorial by Laëtitia Greffié, which appeared in the front page of the journal Ouest-France.


@Live together_


Ouest-France organizes today and tomorrow, in Rennes, the third edition of this event which gives way to debates. This year, the theme of the territories was chosen.


Hello and welcome at the Couvent des Jacobins, Rennes convention center. We are going to make you live the first day of Living together, the national foundations of citizenship.

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