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DIRECT. Covid-19: the Ministry of Health limits the use of the Janssen vaccine

The essential

  • The latest assessment in 24 hours in France yesterday reported 197 deaths. 26,118 patients positive for Covid-19 are hospitalized this Thursday in France. They were 29,843 seven days ago.
  • Incidence rate and positivity rate continue to decline sharplybut remain above the peaks of all previous waves.
  • The European Medicines Agency has lowered to 6 years (and over 12) the age at which the Moderna laboratory vaccine can be inoculated.


The telework obligation rather respected

In January, 29% of employees teleworked for at least one day, i.e. +5 points in one month. It was compulsory three days a week for employees who could.


40% of companies are still struggling to recruit

The private sector of human health and social action, the agri-food industry and accommodation-catering, are the sectors most affected in January by the persistent difficulty in finding staff, according to the Ministry of Labour. The bosses lack trained candidates or find themselves, “to a much lesser extent”, says Dares, faced with candidates who have become too demanding on the conditions of hours or salary.


Hong Kong crosses 10,000 contaminations / day

In its worst pandemic wave, the city recorded 10,010 new contaminations in 24 hours, instead of 8,000 at the start of the week. Nearly 50 people also died, authorities said, many of them unvaccinated elderly people. With the help of doctors and nurses from mainland China, the Hong Kong government will launch a testing operation of all 7.4 million people next week.


It’s in three days that the rules change

From Monday, wearing the mask will no longer be compulsory in places open to the public and subject to the vaccination pass: museums, cinemas, restaurants… with the exception of transport.

In addition, people with contact cases and vaccinated will only have to do one test, on D+2.


Sweden should have acted faster and stronger

“In February-March 2020, Sweden should have opted for more rigorous and intrusive disease prevention and control measures,” said the evaluation committee convened by the Swedish government on Friday at the almost imperative request of Parliament. Sweden had opted for an absence of confinement and a voluntary approach to barrier gestures… More than 17,000 people died from or with Covid in the country, much more per inhabitant than in its Nordic neighbors but less than in most countries. Europeans who have opted for containment.


“Serious side effects” after vaccination?

No, there is no “explosion” of “serious side effects” after vaccination, as MP Martine Wonner (ex-LREM) said. The latter deemed it impossible to “hide the deleterious consequences of the vaccination policy”, attracting strong criticism from the Ministry of Health. We fact-checked his statements.


The Liverpool club in the red

The English Premier League club announces a second consecutive year of financial loss due to the impact of Covid-19. The Reds suffered a pre-tax loss of €5.75m in 2021, however down from the €55m sinkhole the previous year.


Decrease in contamination everywhere except in Asia

The situation improved markedly in one week: -39% contamination detected in the Middle East, -37% in the United States/Canada zone, -24% in Africa and in the Latin America/Caribbean zone, -20% in Europe and -12% in Oceania. Only Asia sees an increase of 20% compared to last week.


Janssen vaccine reduced in its use

The Ministry of Health follows the opinion of the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) of February 17 and recommends that, from this day on, the Janssen vaccine should only be used “in people at risk of a severe form of Covid-19. 19 and who have a contraindication to a messenger RNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna)”. The scientific interest group EPI-PHARE published a pharmacovigilance study in mid-January which indicates that adenovirus vaccines (in particular the Janssen vaccine) are associated with a slight increase in the risk of myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism in adults under 75, within two weeks of vaccination.


hong kong always

According to Bloomberg’s Covid resilience ranking, Hong Kong is now second only to Pakistan among the worst places to live during the pandemic, down from the ninth best place in January 2021.


Hong Kong builds quarantine centers

Hong Kong authorities have contacted a Chinese company to build eight isolation and treatment centers to accommodate Covid-positive residents. The city’s healthcare system is currently overwhelmed by the Omicron variant.


In Germany

Germany is reporting 210,743 new infections in 24 hours this Friday. This means the 7-day incidence rate has risen to 1,259.5 infections per 100,000 people, from 1,265 yesterday.


When Ukraine meets the vaccine pass

Since this morning, when the vaccine pass is deactivated, a Ukrainian flag has been displayed on the TousAntiCovid app. We explain everything to you in this article.


Two national holidays in Kuwait

Today is the 61st anniversary of Independence Day, and tomorrow will mark the 31st of liberation, following Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, and for the first time in two years, big festivities are being held. Without restrictions: Unvaccinated people are allowed to enter shopping malls, cinemas and theaters provided they present a negative PCR test. Physical distancing in mosques has been canceled.


Hong Kong announces 47 deaths in 24 hours

The Omicron wave is wreaking havoc on the Chinese peninsula, which will test all of the 7.4 million inhabitants in March.


The German Minister of Health expects a new wave in the fall

Professor Karl Lauterbach, German Minister of Health, believes that the pandemic is not over, which explains why it is not possible to accelerate the easing of restrictions. He also says he expects a new wave of infections in the fall, reports Reuters.


Ping-pong, new postponement

The World Table Tennis Team Championships, scheduled for April in Chengdu (China) have been postponed until the end of September, announces the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). The reason ? “The continued spread of the Omicron variant”. The last edition of the tournament, which included men’s and women’s team events, in 2020 in Busan was postponed several times before being canceled due to the pandemic.


Vaccination horizon in India

At the rate of 18.8 million vaccines administered each day, India plans to reach 100% vaccination of its eligible population by July 24. To date, 65.4% of the eligible population has received two doses of vaccine, and 90.1% one dose.


British Airways erases the crisis from 2022

British Airways owner IAG expects to return to profit from the second quarter. The group, which also owns Aer Lingus, Iberia and Vueling, expects passenger capacity to reach 85% of pre-pandemic levels. The Covid cost it a net loss of 2.97 billion euros last year, after a loss of 4.39 billion euros in 2020.


The United States ready for a new phase

During his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Joe Biden is expected to announce that the United States is no longer in a health crisis and has entered a more manageable phase, thanks to widespread access. to vaccines. The virus has killed at least 936,162 Americans in two years.


Valneva hopes to launch its vaccine at the end of March

The Franco-Austrian Valneva expects to obtain conditional approval for its vaccine by the end of March for adults. The company has received a list of questions about its VLA2001 vaccine from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and is expected to respond to them in the coming days, the company says.

The Valneva vaccine is “inactivated virus”, a different technology from that of messenger RNA used by Pfizer or Moderna.


Less clothes and meat in January

The confinements have allowed many French people to identify the contents of their cupboards and, for some, to want to consume in a more reasoned way. Is this the cause of this fall? Household consumption of goods fell “sharply” in January in France, by 1.5% over one month, according to figures from INSEE. Spending on clothing and textiles fell by 14% in January (after +4.6% in December), “particularly because spending was significantly lower than in previous years during the winter sales”, specifies the organization. Food consumption also fell (-1.2% after +1.4%), particularly for agri-food and agricultural products, especially meat, the consumption of which fell sharply.


Vaccination point

Yesterday, 38,767,142 people received a booster dose, while 54,173,087 people received a first injection in France.


Figures on the PIMS

The pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome or PIMS, a severe form of Covid in children, worried parents a lot, especially in January when the figures were worrying. According to the data posted last night by Santé Publique France, between March 2, 2020 and February 20, 2022, 1,022 cases of PIMS were reported in France, including 938 related to Covid. A “very marked increase in the number of cases” was observed in early December 2021 and in January, with the ramp-up of Omicron, and “a re-rise in the number of these cases is possible in the coming weeks”, warns the agency.


Application for authorization for an antiviral in Japan

Drugmaker Shionogi & Co has filed for approval and marketing for its oral Covid treatment in Japan. S-217622 would become the third antiviral pill approved in the country.

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