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DIRECT. Coronavirus: follow the virtual festival “Chez toi” organized by artists from Hauts-de-France

This is a slightly crazy idea that germinated ten days ago in the head of two musicians from the region, Mr. Rémi and Seb Dil: “We had each done our own live on Facebook and we knew that like us, a lot of artists were sad not to be able to give a concert at the moment! So we wanted to come together for a great moment of sharing! Of course, this will not replace our canceled concerts, but this event will allow us to share our talents during these days when we are all staying in the same boat: staying at home ”.

A sacred poster!

M.Rémi and Seb Dil activate their networks and the machine is racing! They count on a dozen artists, it is finally thirty who respond present, and not least! Simon Fache, Jef Kino, Philippe Moreau des Mauvaises Langues, Thibaud Defever and Rodrigue.

“We just want to share!” “

The organizers gave carte blanche to the artists. Everyone has between 15 and 30 minutes to play: “The idea is to show the artist stripped of all artifice, all superfluous. He is at home, with the means at hand. For example, those who are usually in a group will find themselves alone. There is no artistic directive, we just want to share. There will be a few covers, but mostly songs of their own because most of them are songwriters.
The goal is to entertain, to do good, for us and the public. “

The virtual music festival “Chez toi”
Sébatien Dillies was the guest of the JT de France 3 Hauts-de-France to present the virtual festival “Chez toi” organized during the confinement period.

A real feat

The “Chez toi” festival takes place on Saturday and Sunday from 5 pm to 10 pm, a real feat: “Putting together a 10-hour music festival with 30 artists and in less than 15 days is incredible! We worked like crazy, we contacted lots of people, we got stressed out with technical problems. In the end, we gave up on the idea of ​​full live, too complicated. Each artist will send us a video recorded under the live conditions and we will chain them into our live Facebook ”.

“Social networks keep us visible! “

Sego Len, harpist from Douai, is delighted to participate in this festival. For her, it will be Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Hopefully, his album will be released in early June, a very original artistic creation with text, harp, accordion and electro music. The festival is very timely: “I had a hard time getting back on the harp these days. The release of my album is delayed. It’s hard not to have prospects. Fortunately this proposal arrived: it allows me to find a healthy lifestyle on my instrument and to work, to have moments of production. And then social networks allow us to remain visible! “

A message with music from Sego Len

Maybe a second edition?

The festival is of course free. Just like the Facebook page of the association Muzicatouva to enjoy. In the meantime, who knows, a second edition. Seb Dil smiles: “Artists continue to contact us. We must refuse people! “

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