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DIRECT. Coronavirus: 16 dead in France, 15 million Italians in quarantine

the essential
To try to stem the epidemic of coronavirus covid-19, a defense council meets around the head of state, this Sunday at 6 pm. In France, we deplore 16 dead and 949 infected people. The number of cases in Occitanie rises to 36 and to 5 in Lot-et-Garonne. Italy, very badly affected with 233 deaths and 1,247 cases listed, has taken drastic measures.

  • Italy: quarantine for more than 15 million inhabitants and closure of places to go out

Italy, where the coronavirus has already killed 233 people, will close its cinemas, theaters, museums, pubs, game rooms, dance schools, nightclubs and other similar places, throughout its territory until April 3 to fight against the spread of the coronavirus, according to a decree signed Sunday by the head of the Italian government Giuseppe Conte. On the other hand, it will still be possible to shop on weekdays or go to a bar or restaurant, provided that the safety distance of at least one meter between customers is respected. These unprecedented measures are in addition to the closure of schools and universities until mid-March across the peninsula.

Unprecedented measure in Europe, more than 15 million people in northern Italy were placed in quarantine on Sunday and draconian restrictions apply across the country to stem the epidemic of coronavirus spreading and affecting it more than 100,000 people worldwide. The entries and exits of a vast area in the north of Italy, going from Milan, economic capital of the country, to Venice, mecca of world tourism, are now strictly limited, according to a decree published on the government website.

Italian Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora on Sunday called for the suspension of the Serie A national football championship Following the minister’s announcement, Sunday’s first Serie A match kicks off on Sunday Parma à la Spal, was postponed from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

The Italian government has also decided to send 20,000 reinforcements to its hospitals, which will increase the number of intensive care beds from 5,000 to 7,500.

  • France: 16 dead and 949 people infected

With nearly a thousand cases and 16 deaths due to the coronavirus, France, one of the countries the fifth most affected country in the world, which prompted President Emmanuel Macron to convene his Defense Council on Sunday evening. According to the latest official report, 949 people were infected in France and 16 died from Covid-19. Forty-five people were then in an intensive care unit.

Read also :
Coronavirus: meet specialists on Thursday at the La Dépêche du Midi Health Forum

The exceptional situation justifies the meeting of a new Defense Council around the Head of State, Sunday at 6 pm, said the Elysee: “We must reassure and protect,” said the entourage of Emmanuel Macron.

In Haut-Rhin and Oise, two of the most affected departments, all schools and nurseries will be closed from Monday, for at least two weeks. In addition, the authorities are multiplying the cancellations of events which were to attract several thousand people, such as the Mondial du tattoo originally planned for March 13 to 15 in Paris.
Or the prohibition by the prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis of “an evangelistic gathering” this weekend at Blanc-Mesnil. To avoid the mishap of a similar meeting at the end of February in Mulhouse which generated dozens of contaminations throughout France, up to Guyana.

The new coronavirus also affects French ice hockey: because of the “health emergency” in the Grand Est, the Federation decided on Saturday to remove Mulhouse from the quarter-finals of the Magnus League, qualifying at the same time Amiens in the last square.

  • Two French deputies affected, including one from Toulouse

The President of the National Assembly announced on Saturday a third positive case in its ranks, the LREM deputy for Haute-Garonne Elisabeth Toutut-Picard. She said she had been discharged from the hospital “but must remain” confined for fourteen days at her home. “In a press release, the deputy specified that after having returned from Paris on Thursday evening, she had been hospitalized at the CHU in Toulouse- Purpan in the night from Friday to Saturday, and that she left at the end of the day, “her general condition having improved well. On the other hand, Haut-Rhin deputy Jean-Luc Reitzer” is still in intensive care but his condition is stable, “according to those around him.

  • Occitania: 36 cases identified in total and 10 in Lot-et-Garonne

In the Occitanie region, 36 cases have so far been identified. In the neighboring department of Lot-et-Garonne, five new people were infected with the virus this Sunday, bringing the number of sick in this department to 10. According to our information, these new Lot-et-Garonnais cases participated in a Pentecostal meeting, dated February 25, in Agen. Thirty people would have participated. Measures have already been taken on the side of Agen, but also in the rest of the department, with the cancellation of the next cults of the evangelical churches.

  • Coronavirus continues to kill in China, spreads more and more

The coronavirus epidemic in China killed 27 people on Sunday, bringing the country’s total death toll to 3,097, the national health commission said. In addition, 44 new cases of contamination were identified for the majority in the province of Hubei (center), from where the epidemic had left in December, according to the same source. Only three cases, all imported from abroad, have been recorded outside of Hubei province.

The covid-19 coronavirus epidemic surpassed the 100,000 mark for infected people worldwide on Saturday as the spread spreads. Latin America deplores his first death, a 64-year-old man died in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The island of Malta and Paraguay have announced the first contamination. The Maldives archipelago has detected its first two cases among the staff of a luxury hotel on an island 150 km from the capital Male, and Bulgaria has also identified two first cases.

The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, gave the order on Saturday evening to prohibit entry to people arriving from Germany and France. Nayib Bukele had already ordered the previous days an entry ban for people arriving from China, South Korea, Italy and Iran.

With more than 7,000 deaths, South Korea is the most affected country outside of China. This is followed by Iran, where 49 new deaths and 743 infections in the past 24 hours have been recorded, bringing the total to 194 dead and 6,566 cases of contamination.

  • Video prayer for the pope, F1 Grand Prix without audience

This Sunday, Pope Francis will pronounce from his library his traditional prayer of the Angelus, which will be broadcast live by video, and not from his window overlooking St. Peter’s Square in Rome, announced on Saturday the Vatican, which thus wishes ” avoid the risks of spreading “the coronavirus.

The Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix will be held from March 20 to 22 in “the sole presence of the participants” and without audience, “given the continuing spread of the new coronavirus around the world,” organizers announced on Sunday. competition premises. “Organizing a major sporting event, open to the public and allowing thousands of international travelers and local supporters to interact in close proximity would not be the right thing to do at the moment”, justified the Bahrain International Circuit in a statement.

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