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Diplomatic Meeting in Jeddah Discusses Principles for Restoring Peace in Ukraine

The meeting of diplomatic national security advisers and political directors of foreign affairs agencies on key principles for restoring a sustainable and just peace for Ukraine in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) on August 5 ended without a final communiqué. This is stated in the article Spiegelpublished August 6th.

The meeting was attended by representatives of 40 states, without a representative of the aggressor country of the Russian Federation. As the article says, the peace formula of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was discussed behind closed doors. Participating countries included Western countries such as the US and Germany, as well as China, India and South African states.

After debates and negotiations behind closed doors, the meeting ended without a final statement on its results, writes Spiegel. But, as European diplomatic circles have told the media, agreement has been reached on the central points of Zelensky’s peace plan, such as the “territorial integrity and sovereignty” of Ukraine.

Spiegel’s interlocutors said that China “actively” participated and expressed “positive” views on a possible further meeting of this kind.

In turn, the head of the Brazilian delegation, Celso Amorim, called for “genuine negotiations involving all parties,” including the aggressor country Russia. He believes that even if Ukraine is “the biggest victim”, it is necessary for peace to “involve Moscow in some way” in the negotiation process.

Spiegel concluded that the purpose of the meeting in Jeddah was to “consolidate the various peace plans”, in particular China, Africa and Brazil, with a 10-point plan drawn up by Ukraine. The publication emphasized that Zelensky’s plan primarily provides for the withdrawal of troops from the aggressor country of the Russian Federation from Ukraine.


On August 5-6, talks were held in Saudi Arabia on Ukraine, with the participation of national security advisers and other high-ranking officials from more than 40 countries. The purpose of the summit is to agree on the key principles for ending Russia’s war in Ukraine. Russia did not take part in the meeting.

The head of the President’s Office, Andriy Yermak, said following the meeting that these were “productive consultations on key principles.” “We had a very honest, open conversation, during which representatives of each country could voice their position and vision. There were different views, but all those present testified to the commitment of their countries to the principles of the UN Charter, international law and respect for the sovereignty and inviolability of the territorial integrity of states. And It is on these principles that President Zelensky’s peace formula is built, which we spoke about in detail,” Yermak said.

The peace formula, which includes 10 points, was presented by Ukraine in November 2022. One of the main provisions is the withdrawal of Russian troops from the entire territory of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders.

2023-08-06 19:19:00
#Jeddah #summit #ended #communiqué #China #actively #participated #Brazil #called #Russia #join #talks #Spiegel

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