Home » today » Entertainment » Diplomatic Magdalena Narożna from “Beautiful and Young” about the relationship with her ex-husband: “The child’s peace is the most important. Some people DO NOT REMEMBER it”

Diplomatic Magdalena Narożna from “Beautiful and Young” about the relationship with her ex-husband: “The child’s peace is the most important. Some people DO NOT REMEMBER it”

Magdalena Narożna until recently, it did not actually function in the mainstream media. The disco polo singer’s recognition skyrocketed after tabloids and gossip portals began writing about her turbulent relationship with her husband, Dawid Narożnywith whom they co-created the team Young and beautiful.

Former spouses publicly flashed the accusationsand their mutual accusations became more and more serious. Despite the fact that now they have both managed to rethink their lives, the scratch after a painful divorce is still fresh, as evidenced by mutual pinsthat Magdalena and Dawid are still driving in.

It seems, however, that the Narożni want to finally forget about what was and instead focus on what is most important: the joint upbringing of the 9-year-old Gabriela.

In a new interview Magdalena Narożna admitted that with her ex-husband now it is only the person of her beloved daughter that connects her:

We only maintain contacts related to the child. I think that in my position, every woman would only maintain such contacts. I had the opportunity to meet his new partner, I would not like to express any emotions because it is not a pleasant topic for me – explains “diplomatically” in an interview with the service JastrząbPost Corner.


Magdalena Narożna on divorce. “The document from the court hearing will be a commentary”

The disco polo star also revealed that one of the factors that helped her somehow straighten my relationship with David, there was family support:

Everyone has their own way. For me, normality is such an antidote to everything, being yourself and respecting other people. If these issues are put together, then everything can be put in order. You can live in harmony with everything. Help from the family, support is very important. I have never been disappointed in my family. This is perhaps the most important thing.

However, the corner would not be herself if she were in an interview she did not smuggle a little bit of ache towards an ex-husband:


The most important thing is the child’s peace of mind. Some people, unfortunately, forget some things. This is sad. I’m doing great so far, but this moment we’re living in is toughand – reveals in an interview with JastrząbPost Magdalena.

Do you think that by the wedding your daughters will have time to reconcile so that they will no longer have to cut each other out of family photos?



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