Home » today » World » “Diplomatic Etudes” by Boyko Kotsev – the world of diplomacy described by a true patriot – 2024-08-27 04:19:46

“Diplomatic Etudes” by Boyko Kotsev – the world of diplomacy described by a true patriot – 2024-08-27 04:19:46

/ world today news/ I recently finished “Diplomatic Etudes” – a book by our famous diplomat Boyko Kotsev. I can express my impressions with only one word – admiration.

Boyko Kotsev has held the most responsible positions in the country and abroad – Deputy Head of the Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Community in Brussels, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Russian Federation. From 2001 to 2007, he was the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs. He is currently the representative of the Republic of Bulgaria at the International Bank for Economic Cooperation.

In his book, composed of autobiographical stories, Kotsev tells us with inimitable mastery and a truly diplomatic sense his experiences while working in such high positions

However, the thing that impressed me the most was the spirit of revival that literally emanated from the ranks. We see the stories of a true Bulgarian patriot, as lately, we have to admit with our hand on our heart that there are not many at the top of the government. And somehow completely in tune with this patriotism thread, the main idea in the entire book is the concept of “national interest” – something that Boyko Kotsev raised into a cult, regardless of where and what position he held.

From the book we can learn many truths about our recent past, and learn them firsthand, and not through various propaganda interpretations.

Boyko Kotsev also tells us the true story of the collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp, the story as it really is, not “embellished” or “revealed” by numerous subjective statements or conspiracy theories.

We also learn the truth about the struggle that Bulgaria leads in Brussels for the Cyrillic alphabet – a struggle that continues in a different form in Moscow, since Mr. Kotsev, after the end of his mandate as the permanent representative of Bulgaria in the EU, occupies the responsible position of ambassador to the Russian Federation .

First-person accounts of Kotsev’s meetings with Sergey Lavrov, Yevgeny Primakov, Jose Barroso and many others are extremely informative. Such are his memories of the negotiations surrounding Bulgaria’s entry into NATO and the EU, and of our further initiatives in these two organizations.

One of the most interesting parts is about the tragicomic, somehow typically our story with the elevation of a Bulgarian to the position of UN president. I remind you that in 2015, Bulgaria officially nominated Irina Bokova for the presidency of the UN, and then, for some unknown-Baiganian reasons, we also nominated Kristalina Georgieva, opposing two candidacies, two ladies from one country. Such a thing had never happened. Of course, we became the laughing stock of the whole world and neither of our two applications won. The story is described extremely interestingly, without Kotsev succumbing to emotions, as most of us would do.

However, everyone who has read this wonderful book will feel the excitement of the author, his deep sadness about what is happening today in our country, about the path on which Bulgaria is moving.

The quote sounds somewhat prophetic: An inner voice kept whispering to me “God give strength to everyone so that they can find their humble wisdom and rise to common human virtues and morality”!

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