That’s it ! THE Source is now a heritage not only of the Bamoun people in Cameroon, but of all of humanity. At the end of a session of the Intergovernmental Committee of theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Nguon was included in the intangible heritage of humanity. Pierre Ismaël Bidoung Mkpattthe Minister of Arts and Culture, carried the file, with the Sultan at his side Mforifoum-Nabil Njoyasultan king of the Bamoun who better than anyone, could represent the breeding ground of Nguon, the Bamoun country.
It is the culmination of a long-term battle led by the Cameroonian public authorities, carrying out a project which was close to the heart of the late Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya, progenitor and predecessor of the current king. The 19th successor of the dynasty of Share Yen can mark the last step towards Allah, if he had not yet reached it. He who had believed in it and worked to give a new dynamic to the traditional festival of the Bamoun people since his accession to the royal throne in 1992; and who fought for a long time for the victory that we celebrate today. But who died before seeing the end of the tunnel. Barely a year since man began the journey towards heavenly bliss, his successor saw the “promised land”. In Kazane, on Botswanan soil.

The victory is all the more resounding as it is the very first Cameroonian cultural element which crosses geographical borders to embrace the immensity of universality. “It is a happy outcome of a unique process, initiated by HM the late Sultan Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya, with the support of the Cameroonian government. His successor, HM Muhammad-Nabil Mforifoum Mbombo Njoya, was part of the fruitful and glorious continuity, and carried out this project head on. Today, the Bamoun community is happy to see one of the strongest facets of its culture and tradition recognized in the world. Nguon, included on the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, is now in the pantheon », greets Azize Mbohou, responsible for communications for the Bamoun Sultanate. “It is a source of pride for all of Cameroon “, he emphasizes. This shows that the 550th edition of the festival founded in 1394 by Nchare Yen, will be an exceptional moment for the Cameroonian people in particular and Cameroonians in general.
Founded in 1394 by Nchare Yen, Nguon is a traditional festival organized by the Bamoun people, under the leadership of their king. Initially, it was the opportunity to “ settle land disputes”, and during which “ the wisdom of spirits was sought to resolve conflicts and restore cohesion between various social groups», according to petitfute.com. On occasion, in addition to rituals around the sacred power of the king, the monarch is put on the grill of customary justice, regarding his governance. Question for his people to renew their trust in him.