Home » today » News » Diocesan of Sigüenza – Guadalajara experiences nights below zero

Diocesan of Sigüenza – Guadalajara experiences nights below zero

We inform you that, throughout this week, and as long as temperatures remain below zero, a new reception device has been launched for people who are usually on the street spending the night.

Throughout the year, from the Betania Residential Center, we go out at night to visit them, accompany them and invite them to come to the Center, but on this occasion, in collaboration with the Guadalajara City Council and with Civil Protection, we open a new temporary and urgent resource so that they spend the night protected from the cold.

The resource is located in the same Betania Center, and has accommodation, breakfast, dinner and shower service.

We invite all the Parish Communities and Caritas Volunteers, if you have located people from your environment who are on the street, you can inform them that they spend the night in Betania during the days that the temperatures are below zero.
Thank you very much for your support and collaboration

receive a brotherly hug

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