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Dining options in Pinar del Río for holidays

Since the beginning of July, the network of restaurants, cafeterias and accommodation units subordinated to the Pinar del Río Business Group of Commerce, have been in function of the summer day, assured Alexander Carrillo Salazar, main gastronomy specialist in the entity.

He pointed out that for July 25, 26 and 27, they will provide services in the units, to take away and at home, the latter, within the radius of action of each center and that from the 24th they will be able to make reservations in person or via phone at each establishment. Facilities that have capacities will be accessed in order of arrival.

Once again he recalled that the offers are supported in their vast majority by the administrations’ own management and the suppliers are non-state actors, peasants, cooperatives, which raises costs and of course the price.

Specifically regarding beer, he pointed out that they lack state allocation and the one they sell comes from these alternative routes, however, he affirms that the indication is to make natural fruit juices and cocktails. The roast pork will be to be purchased by portion and not by pieces.

From Friday the 21st they will be in the Provisional Plaza of the Revolution, over the weekend they will extend the hours in the units located on Martí Street, which on Saturday will provide services in the portals, and on Sunday, they will hold children’s matinees at the cabaret El Creole and Coppelia.

Matinee on Sundays at El Criollo cabaret

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