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Dilation during childbirth: how is it measured and how does it occur?

How much should a woman dilate to give birth, how many centimeters of dilation are needed for childbirth, how is dilation measured during childbirth, why do some women not dilate? All the answers here!

Concerning dilation during childbirth, many questions arise. However, before answering it, I would like to emphasize that it is essential, for the dilation to take place correctly, to have total confidence in the professional who will accompany you throughout this process, namely your midwife. female. This is crucial because many factors, both physical and emotional, come into play.

How many centimeters of dilation do you need to give birth?

The dilation phase extends from the beginning of the prodromal period until reaching a dilation of 10 cm, called full dilation. Traditionally, there are two phases in this period of dilation: the latent phase and the active phase of childbirth.

Women must understand the signs and symptoms that indicate that childbirth is in one or another phase, in order to adapt the care and actions necessary to promote the smooth running of the process.

There is a phase specific to women, which corresponds to the latent phase of childbirth, or prodromal phase, and a phase where health professionals intervene, which takes place in the hospital, in a birth center… with the midwife: This is the active phase of childbirth.

The latent phase of childbirth (or prodromal phase) begins with the appearance of contractions and is accompanied by the gradual effacement of the cervix and the beginning of dilation to approximately 3-4 cm.

To help women better visualize the process, you can visualize the uterus as a pear that needs to turn into an orange. During vaginal examination, the consistency of the cervix is ​​assessed (whether it is hard or soft), its position (anterior or posterior), its length (2-3 cm) and its permeability.

At first, midwives use their fingers to determine whether the cervix is ​​permeable, that is, whether one or two fingers can pass through. Thus, in the prodromal phase, the cervix can be closed or permeable: two fingers then pass freely, which corresponds to a dilation of 3-4 cm.

During this phase, contractions are generally infrequent and irregular in intensity.and the woman tolerates them well. This is where the support of the partner is crucial to strengthen self-esteem and support the woman in this process. The partner can help with breathing techniques, massage, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, etc., to strengthen the woman against contractions and reach the active phase of childbirth.

Usually, when contractions become more regular and painful, the pregnant woman and her partner go to their birth center. After assessment by the midwife or gynecologist, we determine if she is in the active phase of childbirth. From 3-4 cm of dilation and with an effaced cervix, the woman remains in the dilation room until complete dilation (10 cm) is reached, marking the transition to the expulsion phase.

During this phase, in accordance with the birth plan of the mother-to-bethe activities planned in this plan are implemented. Dilation and its evolution are evaluated, using as few touches as possible, only to check progress. Professionals trained for this ensure that the delivery goes smoothly.

We systematically remind you that it is essential to have confidence in professionals, because relaxation allows you to release endorphins which facilitate dilation.

Dilation during childbirth

Why do some women not dilate during childbirth?

That said, it is important to note that some women fail to dilate, or dilate partially without reaching full dilation.

Several factors can explain this situation, some being correctable, others not.

– Sometimes the problem comes from the mother-to-be: certain shapes of pelvis favor childbirth more than others.

– A feto-pelvic disproportion can also prevent the progress of labor.

Fetal malpositions can also hinder the progression of dilation. In these cases, the midwife assesses the position of the fetal head and, based on the position of the fontanels, recommends movements or postures to assist in the rotation and passage of the head through the birth canal.

Thus, in some cases it is impossible to achieve complete dilationwhich can be a source of frustration for the pregnant woman and her partner, who have not been able to achieve their goals.

Professionals play an important role here: they explain to future mothers that everything has been done to facilitate dilation, but that, for unrelated reasons, this has not evolved. It’s no one’s fault. These situations happen and must be accepted.

The midwife will always ensure that the mother’s wishes are respected and that the well-being of the fetus is preserved. As long as everything remains within the limits of normality, if an anomaly occurs, the gynecologist is notified to assess the situation and establish an action plan, while respecting the needs of the pregnant woman as much as possible.

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What⁢ role⁢ does a midwife’s confidence play in influencing⁢ a ⁤woman’s experience during the dilation process?

⁣ 1. Can​ you discuss the importance of confidence‍ in a midwife during the dilation process?

2. What are some signs ​and symptoms indicative of ⁣the active versus latent phase ⁢of childbirth?

3. How does fetal positioning impact dilation during labor? ‍

4.⁣ In what ways can a partner support a woman during the prodromal⁢ phase of⁣ childbirth?

5. What techniques are used to evaluate dilation during labor, and how frequently‌ should these checks be performed?

6. Can you describe the birth plan process and how it​ can assist in ensuring a woman’s⁣ preferences are⁤ respected during labor?

7. What factors contribute to fetal malpositioning and​ what can be done ⁤to ⁢prevent or manage it?

8. ⁣Under what circumstances might a⁣ gynecologist become​ involved in the labor process, and how are their interventions‍ coordinated ​with those of‍ the midwife?

9. How can a mother maintain relaxation and ⁣promote endorphin release during labor?

10.⁣ Can you share any final ‍thoughts‍ or advice ​on managing⁣ the dilation process or coping ‍with unexpected outcomes?

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