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Dijon. Ukrainian refugees celebrate Saint Nicholas

This Monday, December 19, far from their country, Ukrainian refugees were able to share a moment of celebration by celebrating St. Nicholas together, the equivalent of Christmas.

Party, almost like before. This Monday, December 19, about twenty Ukrainian refugee families gathered in Dijon (Côte-d’Or) to celebrate Saint-Nicolas. A popular holiday in Ukraine, it represents the equivalent of Christmas evening.

“It is an important moment in our tradition for all children. St. Nicholas arrives in homes to wish happy months for the coming year. We offer gifts. St. Nicholas prepares the gifts and delivers them to the children”describes Oleksandra, a volunteer from the Ukrainian association Dijon Besançon.

St. Nicholas himself was present for the occasion! The children present were able to receive various gifts from his hands. But this year the celebrations take on another meaning and represent an occasion for refugees to pay homage to their traditions, 10 months after the start of the war.

“It’s important. It’s an opportunity not to forget our folklore, our culture. And for the children it’s a small pleasure, it takes them away from the bad memories and hardships experienced in our country”.

In Ukrainian culture, on St. Nicholas Day, families get together and prepare 12 dishes. The celebration is punctuated by moments of singing among loved ones. For the occasion, the guests wear the traditional clothes of the town. This Monday, tradition was respected in Dijon with the arrival of a singer.

“My daughter is still waiting for this holiday. It is important for all families. It is good to be with family, compatriots. Being together makes the holiday bigger”, says hello to Lesia. If the party brings comfort, the young woman keeps a thought for her friends who remained in Ukraine and for her mother, still in Kyiv.

“It’s hard to be apart. My mother is 72, she lives in the neighborhood where the rockets fell on Monday morning. We keep in touch with friends on the internet. We send each other pictures, it feels like sharing a little bit with them, I try to to be optimistic and to give joy to my daughter”Lesia explains.

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