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DIJON: The volunteers of the Grand Déj ‘associations put in the spotlight

François REBSAMEN, mayor of Dijon, president of Dijon metropolis, is represented by Nathalie KOENDERS, first deputy mayor in charge of ecological transition, climate and the environment, public tranquility and general administration, and Hamid EL HASSOUNI, deputy mayor delegated to community life, popular education and knowledge, at the reception given in honor of the volunteers of the Grand Déj ‘associations.


On the occasion of this reception, the Certificates of Training in Associative Management, issued by the Ligue de l’Enseignement 21, will be handed over to the ten volunteers who have followed the training course provided as part of the annual training program offered at the House. associations of Dijon.
Since its creation in 2001, the Grand Déj ‘has never ceased to promote the civic, social and cultural role of local associative structures. It allows them to come together for a day to present their activities, projects and productions to the public as well as to committed or potential partners. A highlight of local life, the Grand Déj ‘, co-organized by the League of Education 21 and the Regional Federation of MJC Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, with the financial support of the city of Dijon and Dijon metropolis, testifies the vitality and dynamism of the associative fabric of the territory.
To mark the return of the event after a blank year in 2020 due to Covid-19 and to boost a new dynamic, the 2021 edition took place in a new setting, the Toison d’Or park, with a revisited and diversified programming. More than 200 associations took part in this even more festive and attractive meeting and discussion time to celebrate together the 120th anniversary of the 1901 law establishing freedom of association.
Participating associations, organizers, partners, municipal services…, Mrs. KOENDERS and Mr. EL HASSOUNI will thank the 300 or so people who contributed to the smooth running of the event.

Thursday October 28, 2021 at 6.30 p.m.
States Hall
Town hall – Dijon

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