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DIJON: The towing for the regional elections starts with a bang

Smiles and music accompanied the towing of the campaign teams this Saturday, May 22 around Les Halles. The lists of Marie-Guite Dufay, Stéphanie Modde and Denis Thuriot were well received.

The new stage of the gradual deconfinement of May 19 changed the atmosphere in the streets of Dijon. It is again possible to sit on the terrace and, even if the Covid-19 epidemic is still raging, positive signals encourage us to fully savor the improvement.

A month before the first round, this deconfinement is also a breath of fresh air for the campaign teams preparing for the regional and departmental elections taking place simultaneously on June 20 and 27 (read our article on the organization of the poll).

A beautiful republican spirit

This Saturday, May 22, 2021, smiles are the order of the day. Several teams met at the end of the morning around the central halls, the traditional place of towing. In a beautiful Republican spirit, the candidates greeted each other and even exchanged their respective campaign documents.

While many national commentators spread at leisure about an alleged lack of citizen interest in these local elections, the leaflets are going like hot cakes. The reception is good, whatever the political color.

A small ecological team

The Greens, that is to say the supporters of Stéphanie Modde (EELV), leading the “Ecologists and solidarity” list supported by the environmentalist pole (read our article), point out that the climate has changed dramatically in a fortnight. Hear the atmosphere around the market.

If negative comments were not uncommon during a previous towing before, no animosity manifested this Saturday. The small team – two Côte-d’Orian running mate: Michel Haberstrau (without label) and Jean-François Notebaert (EELV) – will therefore be able to come back strengthened in the coming days.

The presidential majority capitalizes the two ballots

The blues and yellows came in great numbers to publicize the candidacy of Denis Thuriot, mayor of Nevers whose coat of arms colors are precisely the azure sown with gold billets. His list “The Region everywhere and for all” is supported by the presidential majority (read our article).

The Dijon team is led by the deputy Didier Paris (LREM), head of the list of the departmental section of Côte-d’Or, accompanied by Catherine Sadon and Ludovic Rochette (various right), Saliha M’Piayi (Territoires de Progrès ), Georges Mezui (LREM) or Florence Bizot (Modem) to display on the ground the different components of this presidential majority.

Capitalizing on the simultaneous elections, the deputy Didier Martin (LREM) is present at Place François-Rude with Sarah Thierry (LREM) to make known the candidacy of the pair in the departmental elections, on the canton of Dijon 1. The limit with the canton of Dijon 5 is locating Place du Bareuzai, Maria-Paz Fave Usach (LREM) does the same with forays around the halls to also evoke the regional ones.

The dynamics of the outgoing president

The roses claim their campaign dynamic. Supporting the “Our Region by heart” list of outgoing president Marie-Guite Dufay (read our article), the team is led by Océane Charret-Godard (PS) who is the first to be surprised to find themselves quickly without a document, having distributed the first bundle in a few minutes.

To show support for this PS-PRG-PCF list, the Communists are also present, including the Côte-d’Orian running mate Christine Truchot-Dessolle (PC). Candidate for regional and departmental, in the canton of Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, Denia Hazhaz (PS) joined the team. Bringing a support application, the ecologist Sandrine Hily also comes to lend a hand to the team.

While the crowd is present around the halls around noon, at the end of the towing, Océane Charret-Godard and Nadjoua Belhadef (PS) do not hesitate to sketch a few dance steps while a music group has settled down. to bring animation.

Consumers at the rendezvous while remaining vigilant, entertainment in the streets, well-filled terraces, even complete for some restaurants at lunch time … the revival linked both to spring and to deconfinement could well have a negative impact. democratic breath contradicting the gloom felt so far around this electoral campaign.

Jean-Christophe Tardivon

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