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DIJON: The Museum of Fine Arts in Dijon transformed

Written by Floriane. Posted in NATIONAL INFO

On May 17, 2019, the Museum of Fine Arts in Dijon reopened after more than a decade of large-scale construction.

Since then, more than 300,000 people have visited it, have (re) discovered its restored works and its collections, have (re) appropriated this prestigious jewel symbol of the city of the Dukes and its influence. Today, when its exhibition halls are closed due to the health crisis, the Museum of Fine Arts celebrates the year of its metamorphosis. The city of Dijon invites you to celebrate this anniversary together.

In the program

The documentary “Metamorphosis” to plunge back into the period of works and the reopening of the Museum of Fine Arts.

This 52-minute film, produced by the city of Dijon and France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, was produced by Axel CLÉVENOT, from the Dijon audiovisual production company Make a wish. It recounts the highlights of a historic renovation, a € 60 million program that values ​​the collections in a fully restored monument.
Broadcast on Monday May 18, 2020 at 11 p.m. on France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and available in replay after its broadcast.

The national CLIC competition for fun

The museums of Dijon have joined the adventure launched by the Innovation & Culture France club in partnership with Télérama and Beaux-Arts magazine. The principle is simple: after choosing your favorite work from the catalog of museums in Dijon, you reinterpret it your way and take your picture. Once made, publish this photo associated with the image of the original work on your Facebook account with three compulsory mentions #tussenkunstenquarantaine #artenquarantaine #museesdijon (all the information can be found on www.dijon.fr).
The most beautiful creations will receive cultural awards. Note that as part of its one-year renovation, the Musée des Beaux-Arts will award a special prize “Prix musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon” to the best reinterpretations of works from its collections.
Shots can be sent until May 30, 2020.

“Individual stories with the Museum of Fine Arts” to testify

For many visitors, the (re) discovery of the Musée des Beaux-Arts, one of the oldest and richest museums in France, represented a moment of emotion, a beautiful experience that they wished to express to museum officials or on the guest book. Many have expressed the happiness and pleasure felt in finding this place they consider their own. You too, come and tell ” your “ Museum of Fine Arts and submit your testimony, the expression of a particular moment, an impression felt, the evocation of your favorite work on the website of the city of Dijon (news page dedicated to the 1 year of the reopening of the museum).
Contributions can be made until May 30, 2020.

Also to follow on Dijon.fr and the city’s Facebook, through videos, the voices of Dijon personalities who talk about their link with the MBA. Already online: Floriane COTTET, director of the Dijon Bourgogne Orchestra, artist Yves JAMAIT, Judith PACQUIER, artistic director of the Baroque Traversées, Fred Guilland, restaurateur and manager of the Brasserie des Beaux-Arts, Karine Ducourant, coordinator of the Métis Parade.…

On Sunday May 17, go to Facebook at 4 p.m. live from the Museum of Fine Arts

To celebrate D-Day, the Les Traversées baroques orchestra settles down in the 18th century Great Gallery to experience this anniversary in music with a 35-minute live concert.
To follow on the Facebook page of the city of Dijon and on the Facebook page of the museum.

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