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DIJON: FSU and Sud declare themselves “for women’s rights, against homophobia and transphobia”

The FSU of Côte-d’Or and Sud 21 react to the aggression of which feminist activists were victims on January 31 in Dijon.

Press release from the FSU de Côte-d’Or and the Coordination Sud 21 (Sud Rail, Sud Ptt, Sud Santé-Social, Solidaires Douanes Bourgogne) of 5 February 2021:

For women’s rights, against homophobia and transphobia: let’s mobilize!

Sunday, January 31, while a feminist rally was held to defend the free choice of all women in the PMA, individuals violently attacked activists to take their banners and drive them from places, with beatings and insults, as in several amateur videos testify.

These violent individuals have claimed responsibility on far-right identity sites for their actions which can be described as fascist.

It is significant that these individuals claimed to defend the anti-PMA demonstration of the day, in the wake of the anti-abortion and anti-marriage protests for all.

It is unacceptable that after this first aggression suffered, the feminist activists were chased away by the police with tear gas jets, while none of their attackers was arrested.

The SUD 21 coordination and the FSU Côte-d’Or denounce the violence of identities against pacifist feminist activists, and express their full solidarity to the latter.

The SUD 21 coordination and the FSU denounce the gassing suffered by these activists.

We support women’s struggle for assisted reproduction regardless of their situation, sexual orientation or gender identity.

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