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Dijon. Five points to remember about the inauguration of the City of Gastronomy

1 Access is by registration only

In order to limit the tonnage, the City of Dijon invites people wishing to participate in the inauguration of the site to register beforehand on the site of the International City of Gastronomy and Wine (CIGV): reservation.citedelagastronomie-dijon. Fr. This registration will be compulsory for the evening of May 6 and strongly recommended for May 7 and 8. Two formulas are proposed, a free access, as well as a paying inaugural pass.

2 The inaugural pass entitles you to bites made by chefs

Set at €21 for adults, €10 for children, the inaugural pass gives access to all the exhibitions, discounts at the oenology workshops at the École des Vins de Bourgogne and the Gourmet bookstore as well as appetizers concocted by chefs. Eric Pras ( Lameloise House ), David Zuddas ( DZ’envies ), Patrick Bertron ( The gold Coast in Saulieu), Romuald Fassenet ( Chateau Mont-Joly in Dole), Christophe Quéant ( The Carmine in Beaune) and Christophe Roure ( The Ninth Art in Lyon) will be in the kitchen. A meal is provided especially for the children.

3 Distinguished guests will be present

The guest of honor for this inaugural weekend will be Guillaume Gomez, former chef of the kitchens of the Élysée. The media Mercotte, blogger specializing in pastry and juror of the show “Le Meilleur Pâtissier” on M6 will be at the Gourmet bookstore (gastronomic village) for a signing session. Five Meilleurs Ouvriers de France (MOF) will be in front of The Gloriette the gourmet village’s sweet bar.

4 There will also be free entertainment

If the inaugural pass at 21 € entitles you to wine and appetizer tastings, certain activities will be accessible free of charge (but on registration). This is the case of the Republican Kir which will be served on the Unesco esplanade, Friday May 6, following the inaugural speech of the mayor of Dijon and president of the Metropolis (PS) François Rebsamen (scheduled for 7 p.m.), of the visit of the exhibitions “It’s not cake” and “Portrait of a mutation” (at the architecture and heritage interpretation center), the discovery of the Ferrandi school as well as agroecology workshops INRAE ​​(National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment) and the University Institute of Vine and Wine or Tableware by Madame Viviane.

5 Workshops around cheese and cocktails will be offered

In terms of experiential cuisine, in addition to a ” show culinary” led by the starred chef of the Courban Castle Takashi Kinoshita, flash workshops offered by François Robin, best cheesemaker in France, will allow you to know everything about cheese tasting.

Mixologist Matthias Giroux will offer surprising cocktails as well as “liquid cuisine” prepared with products from the gastronomic village.

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