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DIJON: Fight against violence against women and girls, Dijon collects and mobilizes

The city of Dijon employs more than 63% women and its investment in professional equality between women and men was recognized in June 2018 by AFNOR Certification.

This label testifies to its commitment to a better future and a more just world, free from violence against women and girls.

November 25 will mark, as every year since 2000, the international day against violence against women and girls, established by UN Women. Because the news still too often echoes this daily violence, the city of Dijon and Dijon metropolis, in partnership with the Zonta Club Dijon, DiviaMobilités and the Chamber of Trades and Crafts, collect and mobilize.

Nathalie KOENDERS, first deputy mayor in charge of ecological transition, climate and environment, public tranquility and general administration, accompanied by Kildine BATAILLE, deputy mayor in charge of gender equality and of the fight against violence against women, and Sylvie URVOY, president of the Zonta Club of Dijon, Thomas FONTAINE, director of DiviaMobilités, and Yves BARD, president of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Côte d’Or, have presented this Wednesday, November 10, the information and awareness actions implemented for the 2021 edition.

Thursday 25 November – Day of tribute to all women victims of violence around the world Photo exhibition “ No to violence against women
The Zonta Club de Dijon, an international service club, is committed to the empowerment of women, the fight against violence against them and for equal rights everywhere in the world. At the end of 2019, students in a plumbing CAP class at Lycée Hyppolite Fontaine in Dijon launched a reflection on violence against women with their French teacher. The Dijon photographer Alexis Doré (DOREX) accompanied them in the creation of 7 “shock” posters. Particularly sensitive to this original initiative, the Zonta Club of Dijon provided them with its financial contribution and has since ensured the enhancement of this work. All day at the Town Hall – Wedding waiting room Free admission – Open to the general public (not recommended for children under 11)

Time for meditation and reading by elected officials of the Municipal Children’s Council (CME) of a message dedicated to young Afghan girls. This text was written by the CME during the educational exchange workshop which took place this Wednesday with the Zonta Club of Dijon around the rights of the child and the fight against violence against women and girls. in France and around the world. This emotional moment will take place at 5.30 p.m. in the Cour d’Honneur of the Town Hall and will be open to the public.

The day will be marked by the evening lighting of emblematic buildings of the city. The State Palace, the theater, the Pompon bear will light up in orange, the symbolic color of UN Women. Note that the Grand Hotel La Cloche is associated with this day and will also wear an orange light suit.

The exhibition ” Photos upside down to put ideas right side up »Is always visible on the gates of the Jardin Darcy. At the initiative of the women’s rights collective 21, and supported by the city of Dijon, these pictures represent women and men reversing their role, thus allowing a reflection on gender stereotypes. Some photos choose to make a humorous wink while others represent scenes of domestic violence.

Prevention campaign against harassment in public transport
“Safety of women in transport”
From Monday 22 November, Keolis Dijon Mobilités, alongside Dijon Métropole, is launching a campaign dedicated to the safety of women in urban transport. More broadly, it is about getting involved and taking action in favor of the safety of women in the urban area of ​​Dijon, against sexist harassment and sexual violence. The communication campaign revolves around three perspectives: consideration of the victim, engagement of witnesses and responsibility of the aggressor. It is part of the long term and in the practices to positively impact behavior. Actions will be carried out with different targets, via several channels in order to ensure the consideration of the subject by all.

A violence meter printed on bread bags in Dijon bakeries

In partnership with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts, the city of Dijon will distribute, from November 23 in partner bakeries, a violenceometer. Printed on a bread bag, this self-assessment tool with 23 quick questions allows you to identify violent behavior and measure whether the couple’s relationship is healthy or, on the contrary, if it is violent.

Presented in the form of a graduated rule, it recalls what is or is not violence through a colored graduation by 23 examples of typical behaviors that a partner can have: in green for a healthy relationship, in orange for violence that has not occurred. no place to be and gradually the cases of danger where asking for help to protect oneself is necessary Designed initially for adolescent girls and young women, the violentometer is intended for everyone, women and men regardless of their status. age. The definition of consent is recalled on the back of the tool: “ Conscious, free and explicit consent at a given time for a specific situation. You can revisit this choice whenever you want and for your own reasons. You don’t have to justify yourself or be pressured ”.

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