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DIJON: Demonstration against the bioethics law on January 31

The unitary associative social movement mobilized under the label “Marchons Enfants” calls for demonstrations “against fatherless assisted reproduction, surrogacy and the bioethics bill”.

Press release from the Manif pour tous 21 of December 29, 2020:


The unitary associative social movement mobilized under the label “Marchons Enfants” denounces the irresponsibility of the government, which imposes the examination of the “bioethics” bill in 2nd reading in the Senate from mid-January even though the health crisis is responsible for a strongly degraded democratic life and a third confinement is looming.

While Olivier Véran, Minister of Solidarity and Health, has just hinted that a third confinement is seriously considered at the start of the school year, is it really time to continue examining the “bioethics” bill? “? This calendar was known on December 15, when the French obviously had the lead in the implementation of the curfew and the organization of particular and atypical Christmas holidays. How can we justify the urgency or the priority to be given to this bill which is neither organic nor ethical? The embarrassment of the Executive is obvious: not a word from the President of the Republic on this subject, nor from the Prime Minister, nor from any member of the government.

Contempt for the Senate and for parliamentary debate?
The aim of the legislative process is to build a text over time that takes into account the enrichments of deputies and senators. But for Emmanuel Macron and Jean Castex, the 2nd reading of the text in the Senate does not even deserve a minister who is 100% available. Because who can imagine that Olivier Véran, at the forefront of this bill, will be able to ensure a serious follow-up of the amendments and the debates even though he has to manage a health crisis that never ends? For the Executive, it does not matter which text will be voted on by the senators because it relies on their majority in the National Assembly. A worrying vision of democracy and parliamentary debate, and above all contemptuous of senators.

Towards an in-depth rewrite of the text

As they had done in 1st reading, the senators should rewrite the text adopted on the sly by the deputies in the middle of the summer. The stake is even to go further by suppressing assisted reproduction without medical reason and erasing the father. Respect for the purpose of medicine and for the best interests of the child confirm the validity of the current framework for access to assisted reproduction.

General mobilization throughout France on January 30 and 31

Despite a health context which puts our health system under strain, which seriously endangers the economy and which generates a strongly degraded democratic life, the government wants to move forward on a complex and divisive, useless and dangerous bill. But the impossibility of organizing major national demonstrations will not prevent it from being denounced in the street, such as on October 10, where more than 60 demonstrations took place across France, bringing together tens of thousands of people.

And whatever their opinion on the bill, the French are invited to denounce this unacceptable and irresponsible schedule, especially since the restrictions on fundamental freedoms are increasing: freedoms of movement, education, teaching , of the press, of worship… In recent months, the trend has been worrying.

Sneaking up on this divisive text inevitably leaves the French thinking that the Executive is taking advantage of the context and all the more willingly reducing fundamental freedoms. In fact, it is against the “bioethics” bill that the most important demonstrations have taken place in Paris since the start of the five-year term, according to Occurrence, the famous “independent” cabinet, declared “expert” in counting demonstrators.

Event – Sunday January 31, 2021
Meet at 2 p.m., Place de la République in Dijon

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