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DIJON: A collective of associations considers that citizens’ proposals on the local urban plan are “gagged”

A collective of local residents’ associations, environmental associations and anti-capitalist associations is calling for a rally in front of the Dijon Métropole headquarters this Thursday, March 24.

Press release from a collective of associations of March 21, 2022:

PLUi-HD of the Dijon agglomeration: gagged citizen proposals!

On March 24, 2022, elected metropolitan officials are preparing to vote on amendment No. 1 of the Local Intermunicipal Urban Plan for Housing and Travel (PLUi-HD), without a real analysis of the need for housing and under the guise of great promises. environmental.

We, a collective of associations acting, among other things, in our neighborhoods and municipalities for the promotion and defense of the environment of the Dijon metropolis, express our reservations following the public inquiry relating to amendment n° 1 of the PLUi- HD.

We denounce the absence of a coherent urban planning policy on the scale of the districts on the part of Dijon Métropole. The methods used and the recourse to public and private partners to shape the future of our municipalities do not leave room for the voices and the needs of the citizens. We propose a participative, sober and sustainable town planning for the Dijon agglomeration and we affirm that it is possible to do otherwise, in particular by the reuse of the existing building!

A contempt for civic expression

From the public inquiry into the development of the PLUi-HD in June 2019, metropolitan citizens and neighborhood and environmental defense associations contributed more than 1,300 observations, remarks and petitions.

What happens to the recommendations made by the commission of inquiry in August 2019, including:
– “rely on neighborhood associations to allow consultation prior to major operations,
– maintain a policy of transparency of decisions, a sign of the vitality of democracy,
– revise and develop the plan of cycle paths »

Once again, an exceptional mobilization took place last November during the public inquiry for the modification of the PLUi-HD: more than 360 contributions from individuals, associations and collectives denounced by 99% the urban planning policy carried out by Dijon Metropolis.

These consultations, linked to legal obligations, serve as a guarantee to impose irrevocable town planning regulations. These choices amnesiacally reproduce the failures of the 1960s and 1970s, the consequences of which we are still suffering in our neighborhoods.

Would the voice of the inhabitants and the democratic expression disturb the elected representatives of the metropolis?

Incoherent urban planning that compromises health, the well-being of the population and biodiversity

To you, our ELECTED, here is our light on the shortcomings of this PLUi-HD which, as it stands, demonstrates that the future of the metropolis and its inhabitants is decided by ignoring the warnings of scientists and sociologists on the urgency of completely changing the ways of thinking about town planning.

Here are some inconsistencies that we note:
– As you state in the document explaining the modification of the PLUi-HD, your objective n° 1 is: PROMOTE NATURE IN THE CITY! In practice on the ground, can we say that the construction of nearly 1,000 housing units for the Terrot-DREAL-Voltaire project sites in a district already devoid of green space corresponds to this slogan? Can we say that a 66% increase in the number of housing units for the ex-CPAM and Kennedy project sites in Chenôve corresponds to this slogan?
– To favor the new option, what global studies have you conducted to demonstrate that renovation costs more? However, renovating generates work for many craftsmen and proves to be more economical in terms of natural resources. We are convinced that urban planning must be thought out over the long term, respecting the memory of the neighborhoods that make up the history of our city, and not having a logic of immediate profit.
– We denounce the destruction of more than 200 hectares of agricultural land condemned by the creation of activity zones such as Beauregard-Longvic, Écoparc-Saint Apollinaire and Valmy-Dijon. The preservation of these lands intended for food self-sufficiency is, however, the major reason invoked to pile up thousands of inhabitants in large housing estates lacking in green spaces and breathing spaces. Where is the logic?
– Our tree heritage in Dijon is low compared to that of other cities of neighboring size (18% in Dijon, 24% in Besançon, 25% in Montpellier – source Kermap). It is necessary to preserve the existing one and to “re-treat” strongly and quickly! A few young sticks, misters or vegetated terraces on 30 cm of substrate will never be able to compensate for the mature trees felled or the disappearance of the open ground. We have a special thought for the century-old trees in Parc Montmuzard and so many others who suffer the same fate here and there.
– The many ecological discontinuities and bottlenecks in the green and blue fabric of the Ouche, induced by the project sites constitute so many irreversible attacks on functional biodiversity in the city and on the urban landscape. In the context of climate change, only the reconquest of the open ground will restore the balance. It is your responsibility today towards our children and the generations to come to take these issues in hand.

For a general overhaul of urban planning in Dijon

To avoid these irreversible damages, we propose the creation of a “commission” of reflection and harmonization of town planning on the scale of the large districts of the agglomeration. It would be made up of experts in town planning and architecture, scientists and sociologists, associations working to protect the environment, residents and neighborhood associations.

You, our ELECTED, listen to the citizens, everyday experts, who have mandated you to take care of them!! Accept consultation, dialogue and the diversity of ideas! Concerted urban planning methods that are compatible with climatic requirements, the protection of biodiversity and the quality of life of the inhabitants, are possible. We had the opportunity to express them in our document “For participatory, sober and sustainable urban planning in the Dijon agglomeration” published on November 13, 2021.

We call on the inhabitants of the agglomeration who want the urban planning policy to change, to come together, equipped with gags and explanatory panels on the urban planning inconsistencies in their neighborhood, on Thursday March 24 from 5 p.m. in front of the headquarters. from Dijon Métropole, 40 avenue du Drapeau in Dijon.

Signatory associations:
Living well in the Larrey neighborhood – Cayen Environment – Montagne Sainte Anne neighborhood committee – Together for Chenôve – Friends of the Hauts de Dijon – Friends of the Jardins de l’Engrenage – Friends of the Lentillères – Residents of Mirande-Montmuzard-University of Dijon (H2MU) – Quétigny environment
with the support of: ATTAC 21 – Collectif du Quartier des Ateliers – FSU Côte-d’Or – France Nature Environnement Côte-d’Or – The political ecology workshop “Thinking about transitions” – Association Préservons Nos Arbres en Ville

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