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DIHK President Emphasizes Closer Integration of Ukrainian Suppliers into European and German Economy

DIHK President Peter Adrian (picture alliance/dpa/Bernd von Jutrczenka)

The President of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adrian, said at the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum in Berlin that sustainable aid could only be achieved if Ukrainian suppliers were more closely integrated into the European and German economic cycle. The managing director of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, Harms, described Ukraine as a very potent economic partner for the future. The country has the largest gas storage facilities in Europe and is strong in the areas of digitalization and agriculture.

There are already many investments from Germany, particularly in the Ukrainian regions less affected by the Russian war of aggression, said Harms on Bayerischer Rundfunk.

This message was sent on October 24th, 2023 on the Deutschlandfunk program.

2023-10-24 10:03:01
#Berlin #German #business #greater #integration #Ukrainian #companies

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