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Digitalization is KBI’s concern in carrying out corporate transformation

SURABAYA, Kabarbisnis.com: Toto Pranoto, BUMN Observer from the University of Indonesia Management Institute Toto Pranoto said that in the current era of disruption, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) must take steps to adapt and transform towards digitalization.

“I think some SOEs have adapted to the radical changes due to the technological disruption. This means that they have indeed applied the digital age in company operations, as well as the people mindset in the organization. However, from the digitalization process what is more important is the cultural transformation in SOEs to move towards a state company that has a digital mindset and a strong culture,” said Toto Pranoto in an official broadcast received by Kabarbisnis.com, Surabaya, Monday (12/7/2021).

Several BUMNs have also carried out the business digitization process, one of which is PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) or KBI. This BUMN which has a business line as a Clearing Guarantee Institution and Transaction Settlement in Commodity Futures Trading and Physical Markets, as well as the Warehouse Receipt Registration Center has been digitizing since some time ago.

President Director of PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) Fajar Wibhiyadi, said that digitalization was one of the focuses of PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia in the context of the corporate transformation process.

“Because we know that we can only deal with the wave of technological disruption through transformation and digitization. The pattern of people’s lives has changed towards digital. Regarding this digitalization, KBI has prepared a long-term road map, which in the future is expected to transform from a clearing company that uses digital technology , to become a digital company that has a clearing license,” said Fajar.

Regarding digitization, he emphasized that the challenge for KBI is not only digitizing its business processes, not its digital devices, but also how employees have a digital mindset. The emphasis is more on how employees have a digital mindset. “All processes have been running since some time ago, and are still ongoing until now. The digitization carried out at KBI is not only for external services, namely for stakeholders, but also digitalization in internal operations,” added Fajar Wibhiyadi.

In terms of services, currently all reports on guarantee clearing activities and transaction settlements have been done digitally. For the Warehouse Receipt System, KBI has recently updated the registration application by applying blockchain technology and smart contracts. Meanwhile, internally, various digitalization programs have been and are being carried out by this BUMN, such as e-notes application, Human Resources Information System (HRIS), and automated internal systems.

“The business digitalization carried out by KBI is certainly in line with the core value of BUMN, namely AKHLAK, where one of the main values ​​is Adaptive. In this Adaptive value, KBI always continues to innovate and is enthusiastic in moving and facing change,” he concluded.kbc6

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