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Digitalization in the job center of the Bergstraße district

(Symbolic image: Austin Distel on Unsplash)

In August, 6,868 people were registered as unemployed in the Bergstrasse district (previous month: 6,740 people). Compared to the previous month, the number of people affected by unemployment has increased by 128 people (+1.9 percent). Compared to the same month last year (number: 6,619), the number of unemployed people increased by 249 people (+3.8 percent). The unemployment rate for all civilian workers was 4.5 percent. Last year it was 4.4 percent. For comparison: The unemployment rate for Hesse as a whole is currently 5.7 percent, and for Germany as a whole it is 6.1 percent.

In order to offer the district’s citizens the best possible service, the municipal job center Neue Wege Kreis Bergstraße continues to focus on digitizing its services. “The expansion of digital administration for our citizens is very important to me. I am proud that our municipal job center has initiated numerous innovative projects and further developed existing ones,” said District Administrator Christian Engelhardt.

Development of chatbot for customer inquiries

The job center is currently working with leading technology companies to develop and test an advanced chatbot that will be able to provide comprehensive answers to customer inquiries using artificial intelligence (AI). This solution would provide citizens with a quick and always available source of useful information about the job center and would at the same time relieve the burden on employees in direct customer contact, who would then be able to devote themselves to more complex inquiries and more personal concerns.

The successful introduction of dictation software has already reduced the workload on the job center’s staff. The use of the software saves valuable time, which can now be invested in providing direct support to customers.

Neue Wege is currently also actively involved in regional and national cooperation in the field of digitalization. Participation in the pilot project in the field of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), in which recurring processes can be automated, is an exciting and forward-looking commitment, as is testing AI-supported creation of meeting minutes. In the long term, it should help alleviate staff shortages caused by demographic change and the associated shortage of skilled workers.

Maintenance and further development of existing offers on the digital agenda

In addition to innovations, the maintenance and further development of existing offers are also on the digital agenda of the municipal job center: The close cooperation in the area of ​​digitalization with other job centers in the Hessian municipalities ensures that experiences are exchanged and the joint development of future-oriented solutions can be promoted.

The already established options for applying for Jobcenter benefits online have recently been significantly expanded. Incoming new applications can now, for example, be transferred seamlessly to the Jobcenter’s specialist software. This improves internal processing and speeds up processing times in the interests of customers.

Training videos have long been part of the digital offering of the municipal job center in the Bergstraße district, as has video advice from case managers. This offering is continually being expanded and additionally supported by internal and external training courses and specialist lectures on digitalization in the job center.

By implementing modern technologies and actively promoting digital skills, the efficiency of the administration is increased and the service for citizens is continuously improved. District Administrator Christian Engelhardt emphasizes: “With Neue Wege we have a highly innovative municipal job center that has long recognized and utilized the opportunities offered by digitalization. Here we are making progress on the path to a modern and citizen-oriented administration and are proud that the Bergstraße district is taking a pioneering role.”

(Text: PM Bergstrasse District)

… explores her world by spending a lot of time in nature. She recharges her batteries on long bike rides and beautiful hikes. Local topics are her world. In both print and online, she likes to provide information about police reports, animal stories and environmental issues. Her absolute favorite activity during Advent: baking cookies.

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