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Digital education and sustainability in companies | Sustainability

This time, our columnist Anabel Ternès sat down in front of a horrified HR manager: Sustainability: Is it really a task for HR development? Yup! Because digital education and sustainability go hand in hand.

Sustainability? What should it do for me if I want to advance staff development? The look could not have been more horrified. I was sitting across from an acquaintance who is the head of human resources in a company. When he spoke about his current challenges in HR development, I raised the fact that, from my point of view, sustainability may be the only effective solution.

When it comes to sustainability, those thinking about people development usually have resources first in mind, at least due to the shortage of skilled workers: how can I retain the right employees? How sustainability can help in concrete terms is a mystery to many. For most people, sustainability still means “something to do with climate protection, which means financial expenses”.

Indeed, digital education combined with sustainability offers many opportunities for staff development:

Social sustainability: digital education for all

It is not uncommon for a company to lose interest in its employees or part-time employees without a management position as soon as the employment contract has been signed. Problem solved, employees forgotten. The larger the company, the more one can still observe how employees immerse themselves in a company and are not seen as a resource for further tasks and development.

Often only well-trained specialists and managers are singled out on a full-time, permanent contract for further development opportunities. However, employees without managerial responsibilities who have previously performed relatively simple tasks, as well as part-time employees, self-employed workers or temporary contracts should also have the opportunity to continue training. Because they too have the right to lifelong learning and they also have the right to equal opportunities. Companies that get involved also open up the opportunity for employees who are exciting as an organisation, who can then develop their potential in the organisation.

Digital education should also impart knowledge about sustainability

Additional training on back exercises, agile leadership or specific software? It’s all important, but something is missing. Employees should understand digital transformation and sustainability. Not only do those involved in sustainable financial products know that the latter is not blasphemous, but they require in-depth basic knowledge.

Companies can and should explain internally what their sustainability strategy is and how employees can support it through their personal behaviour.

Future skills: the right content

Anyone who thinks only of hard facts when it comes to further training forgets that in agile contexts development of potential is also necessary. And the development of skills that help everyone to contribute in the best possible way and with maximum motivation. From sovereignty and digital resilience to strategic communication.

Digital or analog – or hybrid?

Digital education is good: additional analog components can make it more effective in the long run. Anyone who not only learns virtually, but can delve into digital content in a discussion in the study group, with a learning coach or in an additional expert conference, learns demonstrably better and more motivated.

Advertise with digital education – why not?!

Digital training offers in the company? Naturally, a company should advertise with it, because if the content is attractive, it also makes the company more attractive to many candidates. However, companies should communicate honestly here: Are the offers only prepared for a small target group, equipped with little content or out of date? Therefore it should be presented to employees and candidates in a transparent way and the company should strive to create an offer that is accessible and attractive to all employees.

Employees as ambassadors and protagonists: narration by heart

If a company has organized interesting continuing education in which employees have been involved from the very beginning, this does not automatically mean that the majority will benefit from it. So what’s going on? In-house ambassadors who bring the learning platform closer to their colleagues are helpful. So-called pilots can also help ensure the first steps on the platform.

Last but not least: Sustainable Suppliers – Green Digital Education

Anyone who uses digital educational offers in the company should also remember that employees, customers and partners are increasingly paying attention to how sustainable a company’s products and processes are: which supplier is the offer, how CO2-friendly is the platform? These and others are questions that should be relevant to every company that wants to act comprehensively and sustainably.

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