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Difficult times for Linz taxi drivers: “We are happy about every trip”

With the words “bad, still bad”, Renate Ragger, deputy chairman of Taxi 6969, comments on the situation of taxi drivers in the state capital.

The closed gastronomy and hotel business are just as painful for the industry as the absence of tourists and events. Opening up the body-hugging service providers, above all the hairdressers, has increased the demand for taxi rides at least somewhat: Ultimately, however, it is only a drop in the ocean, says Ragger.

The current compulsory corona test has slowed down older customers’ desire to regularly visit the hairdresser and the associated taxi ride – this is shown by the experience of the past few days. During the crisis, sales slumped by up to 80 percent, and especially during the night, nothing happens anymore, says Ragger.

Even small opening steps in the catering industry, such as operation until 8 p.m., would help the taxi drivers: “We are currently happy about every trip.” Incidentally, only a small part of this is accounted for by messenger trips; unfortunately, the demand for them has not increased significantly in the past few months.

Messenger trips as a new offer

When it comes to this topic, Taxi 2244 is far more optimistic. The company now wants to get started with messenger trips at a fixed price in Linz. However, the idea to expand the offer in this regard was not only born during the corona crisis, says press spokeswoman Eveline Hruza. Nevertheless, the hope for increased demand in the current time of home office and Co. is great. The messenger trips can be booked by private individuals as well as by companies, explains operations manager Robert Neuhold. Not only work documents and small pieces of furniture are delivered, but also food orders, for example from the “Liebhaberei” on Linz’s main square. They wanted to expand their delivery service for a long time, as their managing director Robert Mayr says: “And since the taxis stop right in front of our front door, this cooperation was obvious.”

Like Ragger, Hruza speaks of the fact that “there is a lot less going on on the streets” and that customers stay away. The fact that more and more people who want to see a doctor are now taking a taxi instead of public transport cannot change that. (jp)


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