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Difficult relationship: media: Deutsche Bank wants to end cooperation with Trump – news

Nevertheless, the institute continued to lend him money afterwards, with the influential New York banker Rosemary Vrablic being the key figure. She left Deutsche Bank at the end of last year. When the US media reported in mid-2019 that he was generally in a difficult position with banks, Trump rejected this as wrong and also referred to his relationship with Deutsche Bank: “You wanted to do business with me, like many others!” . One thing is certain: at the latest with the presidency, Trump developed more and more into a difficult mortgage for the financial house.

Because the business ties with Deutsche Bank, which in recent years made a name for itself in the USA through scandals and rule violations, quickly called the opposition Democratic Party onto the scene. High-ranking representatives tried again and again to examine Trump’s relationship with Deutsche Bank. A Russian black money affair in which Deutsche Bank was involved aroused suspicion over the suspicion of collusion between Trump’s campaign team and Russia.

In addition, there were bitter legal disputes over the release of Trump’s tax documents, in which Deutsche Bank, as a business partner of the US President, repeatedly hit the headlines. Overall, the effort and legal fees have long since exceeded the benefits of the business relationship from the company’s point of view. After Trump supporters stormed the seat of the US Congress last Wednesday, the measure was probably finally full. The Democrats blame the outgoing president personally for the outbreak of violence, Trump had previously incited his supporters.

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