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Differentiating Sweden from Switzerland: A Swiss Ambassador’s Response to Visit Sweden’s Video Campaign

With a promotional video, Sweden wants to differentiate itself from the confusingly similar Switzerland. Now the Swiss ambassador to the USA is firing back.

Ambassador Jacques Pitteloud believes that you can’t assemble Ikea furniture without Swiss Army knives. – YouTube / Embassy of Switzerland in the United States


the essentials in brief

Sweden and Switzerland are often confused. The Swedish tourism marketer Visit Sweden wants to change that. Their video does not go unnoticed by the Swiss – now even a diplomat is reacting.

Sweden or Switzerland – or even Swaziland. Similar country names often cause confusion abroad. The two European countries in particular are often confused.

Visit Sweden now wants to counteract this. The Swedish Tourism Organization recently launched a new campaign. Differences between the two countries should be highlighted in a humorous way. Each country should concentrate on its core competencies, demands a Swedish representative in a video.

«It is time to make clear the difference between our two nations. “By deciding who can talk about what,” says Visit Sweden. – YouTube / Visit Sweden

Now the Swiss ambassador to the USA is also joining in on the not entirely serious dispute. In a video published by the embassy, ​​Jacques Pitteloud comments on the new Visit Sweden campaign.

First he greets the Swedes warmly and praises the campaign. “It was indeed time to end the confusion between our countries.” After all, the African state of Swaziland has now changed its name to Eswatini – the change took place in 2018. So the third candidate for confusion is eliminated.

Swiss army knife for Ikea furniture

Pitteloud then adds some differences between the two. Although people would go to Ikea to eat meatballs. But everyone in the US loves raclette and fondue with Swiss cheese. There is “no serious competition”.

Of course, one person cannot be missing from a Swiss advertising video – Roger Federer. Everyone in the USA would wear the tennis legend’s On shoes, said the ambassador.

Sweden is not the same as Switzerland, Visit Sweden makes clear. Although there are always thrilling duels in sport, for example, many believe that it is one country. That’s why a Swede explains important differences in a recent video and makes fun of Switzerland. The Swiss diplomat Jacques Pitteloud counters. Furniture giant Ikea receives praise – but the concept doesn’t work without a Swiss Army knife.

The Ikea furniture is all well and good. But: “How would you put all this furniture together without the right tools?” Pitteloud provides the answer himself: “The right tool is the Swiss army knife – very reliable and multifunctional.”

But Pitteloud also highlights many similarities. “There is so much that we have in common.” He cites passion for technology or democracy and the rule of law as examples.

Have you ever been to Sweden?

The video ends with Pitteloud listening to the song “Dancing Queen” by Abba. “Oh, wrong song,” he then says and switches to typical Swiss music.

After these videos at the latest, the demarcation between Switzerland and Sweden should be clear. Sweden is the country with the yellow cross on a blue background. Switzerland is the one with the white cross on a red background. But be careful: Denmark has a similar flag – don’t mix it up!



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Roger FedererAmbassadorRacletteQueenStateIkeaAbba
2023-11-03 04:48:01
#Sweden #video #Swiss #diplomat #involved

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