Home » today » News » Differentiated autonomy, the many reasons to say yes to the Referendum: the over 500 thousand signatures are a sign of the awareness that the law would divide the country

Differentiated autonomy, the many reasons to say yes to the Referendum: the over 500 thousand signatures are a sign of the awareness that the law would divide the country

ROMA – Against differentiated autonomy. Signing today is important, voting and making others vote tomorrow is decisive” It is the title of the day that the Inequalities and Diversity Forumpart of the committee promoting the Referendum for the abrogation of differentiated autonomy, is organizing a meeting on September 17th from 10am to 8pm Basso Foundation in via della Dogana Vecchia 5, in Rome. It will be a day of signature collection with moments of discussion on the negative impact that law 86 will have on the already serious inequalities existing in the country and on the importance of voting yes in the Referendum.

The discussion on the negative effects of the law. The many reasons to say yes to the Referendum” – the slogan accompanying the initiative – will have two moments of discussion on the negative effects of the law, together with the two co-coordinators, Fabrizio Barca and Andrea Morniroli, members of the ForumDDauthoritative guests and representatives of active citizenship organizations. Throughout the day it will also be possible to sign in support of the Referendum and collect in-depth material.

So many small “homelands” and so many inequalities. The over 500 thousand digital signatures, which are added to the tens of thousands collected since July 20th at all the stalls around Italy, are a clear sign of widespread awareness of the danger of a law that must be repealed because it will split the country into many small homelands and increase inequalities not only between North and South but also between urban and internal areas, and within the same Regions and the same urban areas to the detriment of the entire community.

The fragmentation of national policies. “With differentiated autonomy – said Andrea Morniroli, co-coordinator of the ForumDD and among the promoters of the referendum question – Italy will no longer be one and indivisible. The law empties our Constitution of meaning and in particular art. 3 because it will be impossible for the Republic to remove equally throughout the country the obstacles that prevent the full development of the human person. Differentiated autonomy – he added – fragments national policies, dismantles the welfare universalistic, affects public education and health. For all these reasons the Inequalities and Diversity Forum is strongly opposed to this law and we want to talk about it with as many people as possible, doing our part in spreading and strengthening this awareness during a public debate and discussion”.

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– 2024-09-12 04:13:16

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