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differences of opinion among rapporteurs on UEFA’s accountability

The leaders of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) turned their backs on Monday, February 13, after the revelation by The world Then The Guardian of the report of the independent panel of the continental confederation on the excesses at the Stade de France, on May 28, 2022, during the Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Violence at the Stade de France: UEFA harshly criticized in “its” independent investigation report

If he apologized for the shortcomings observed that day, in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), and announced that he had learned the lessons of this fiasco in mondovision, the staff of UEFA jumped on reading certain passages of the 151-page document, calling him into question.

Composed of nine members (lawyers, academics and representatives of supporters’ associations) and chaired by Portuguese MP Tiago Brandao Rodrigues, the said panel concluded that UEFA, “as the owner of the event, bears primary responsibility for the failures that nearly led to disaster”, his model “of delegation and deference” for the organization of the match being “defective in that there was an absence of overall control or oversight of safety and security”.

« We believe that multiple factors led to this near miss. We list eight in the report. If you read the summary, we make it clear that we see two main organizational failures that led to these events: the UEFA model and policingdevelops Clifford Stott, professor of social psychology at Keele University and member of the panel of rapporteurs. We make it clear that the policing model was flawed and that police plans and actions played a key role in what went wrong. However, his unilateral actions were a symptom of a failure of interoperability, for which UEFA was, in our view, primarily responsible. »

“Not the primary responsibility”

However, this vision is not shared by all the rapporteurs. Two Lusitanian members of the panel, experts in stadium management, distanced themselves on this point. The objections of Daniel Ribeiro, a former executive specializing in events at UEFA (2006-2016) and employee of the Portuguese Football Federation, and Luis Silva, head of the London company Blue Rock (a major provider of UEFA during the 2021 Champions League final, in Porto) and former UEFA consultant during Euro 2012 in Ukraine and Poland, were recorded on the last page of the report’s voluminous appendices.

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