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Differences between the Umbra and Penumbra in the Eclipse

The difference between the umbra and the penumbra in the eclipse phenomenon is extraordinary because it gives a different effect.

An eclipse is a rare natural event. The image formed by the moon, Earth, and sun when they are in a straight line is an eclipse.

While the etymological understanding of eclipse comes from the Greek, namely “ekleipsis” which means a relic or neglect.

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This is the difference between the umbra and the penumbra in an eclipse

Eclipses are one of the most common astronomical events that occur, though not often. This event occurs when one of the astronomical objects moves into the shadow of another object.

The eclipse may occur on the new moon or new moon with full moon or full moon. In the new moon, the moon will be located between the Sun and the Earth.

While in the full moon, the Earth is located between the moon and the Sun. When an eclipse occurs, then the shadow of the Earth and the moon will be very large.

In an eclipse, there are two terms that distinguish the image.

The name umbra comes from the Latin “ayang” which means shadow. In terms, the umbra is a perfect shadow in the middle so it is very dark.

While penumbra also comes from Latin which means almost perfect. This means that the penumbral shadow is not perfect.

The terms are umbra and penumbra. Here are their differences.

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Darkness Level

The first difference between the two lies in the level of darkness. The umbra shadow will appear much darker and blacker.

The shadow from the penumbra is not too dark, because it is a blurry shadow and still receives a little light from the sun. The closer the umbra and penumbra are, the darker the shadow will be.

Types of lunar eclipses that occur

Another difference between the umbra and the penumbra is the type of lunar eclipse they produce. Launching from the Encyclopedia Britannica, the area in the umbra will experience a total lunar eclipse.

The area of ​​the Earth’s surface through which the umbra passes will usually also be much smaller.

On the other hand, areas within the penumbra will experience a simple lunar eclipse. The area that the penumbra passes through on Earth is also larger.

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Size and Distance from the Sun

The next difference is the size and distance that affects them. Launching from NASA, the size of the umbra will get smaller as it moves away from the Sun.

This does not apply to the penumbra. The farther away from the sun, the larger the penumbra.

When an eclipse occurs, the two parts of the eclipse will produce a conical shadow.

They are also an important part of the appearance of a lunar eclipse because they affect the level of darkness and the type that occurs.

Although sound similar, the two have significant differences. You must understand the difference between the umbra and the penumbra so as not to misinterpret the two. (R10/HR-Online)

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