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Differences Between Gastritis and GERD: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

KORANMEMO.COM – Many people often think of gastritis and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) as the same condition.

In fact, even though the symptoms are similar, ulcers and GERD actually have significant differences.

There are many differences between ulcers and GERD, but these differences are still rarely known.

Here are some differences from gastritis and GERD which are often considered the same condition.

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1. Cause

Ulcer occurs due to damage or inflammation of the protective lining of the stomach (gastric mucosa) which causes excessive stomach acid production.

Meanwhile, GERD is caused by reflux of stomach acid that rises up into the esophagus.

Usually occurs because of a weakness in the valve between the stomach and esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter).

2. Symptoms

Gastritis sufferers will generally experience heartburn or upper stomach pain, a burning feeling in the chest (heartburn), and a sensation of bloating.

On the other hand, GERD sufferers will feel discomfort in the chest such as burning and pain that develops in the arms, neck or back.

They may also experience symptoms such as a chronic cough, frequent burping, and grunting sounds during sleep.

3. Risk Factors

2023-08-13 20:00:00
#Differences #ulcers #GERD #considered #rarely #Koran #Memo

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