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Difference Between Common Headache and Omicron Symptoms

Illustration of a headache. Freepik Doc

Jakarta (Lampost.co) — Variant covid-19 patient Omicron will experience symptoms similar to the common cold. One of the most common symptoms is headaches.

Omicron headaches are quite different from regular headaches. There are four signs that indicate a person is experiencing symptoms of headaches due to Omicron.

Read: IDI Lampung urges not to equate Omicron with the common cold

The following is the difference between a regular headache and a headache due to Omicron Times of India:

Headache point

Common headaches generally attack one side, either on the left, right, middle, back, or front. Meanwhile, Omicron headaches can occur on both sides at the same time and tend to be more intense. Not infrequently, Omicron sufferers can feel tension and pain on all sides of the head.

Headache intensity

The intensity of headaches due to Omicron is mostly moderate to severe. It feels like a throbbing, pressing, or stabbing, which is rare in a typical headache.

Headache with inflammation

According to experts, headaches in the case of Omicron can be an inflammatory reaction of the body when it fights a virus. As the virus multiplies in the respiratory system, it also affects the sinuses, causing inflammation.

The same thing happened to the Omicron variant. So, headaches usually occur with inflammation of the sinuses. If you suffer from sinus infection problems then the headache can be worse.

Headaches for days

Headaches caused by the Omicron variant also last for several days, even if the sufferer is taking painkillers regularly. However, there are also headaches that feel heavy but are not Omicron variants, namely migraines.

After experiencing these four signs of a headache, you should immediately get an antigen swab test or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Immediately consult a doctor and do self-quarantine if the results are positive.

Sobih AW Adnan

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