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Difference Between Anabolism and Catabolism in Metabolism Process

There is a difference between anabolism and catabolism in the metabolic process. Knowledge of the body’s metabolic processes is mostly on the down side. That is because of its complexity, while anabolism and catabolism are two of these important processes.

Insufficient understanding of this process makes the two terms quite confusing. This metabolic process will produce energy so that we can still survive.

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Know the Difference between Anabolism and Catabolism

Anabolism is a metabolic pathway that is vital for all living things. In simple terms this anabolism builds molecules from small basic units.

Launching Wikipedia, anabolism is a metabolic pathway in the preparation of several simple organic compounds so that later they will become chemical compounds or complex molecules.

During the process of anabolism, energy is stored as ATP. It seems clear that anabolism requires energy from the process of catabolism.

Some of the anabolic processes include body growth, bone mineralization, and increased muscle mass. Control of the entire metabolic process through hormones or anabolic steroids according to the body’s biological clock. Of course, variations in metabolic activity are related to time and ecology.

Still talking about the difference between anabolism and catabolism. In good catabolism will consider the whole metabolic process.

In addition, the molecules technically burn to extract energy. Launching Wikipedia, catabolism is a metabolic pathway that breaks down complex substrates of organic molecules.

Later it will become the constituent components while releasing energy. This is generally in the form of ATP.

Usually catabolism acts on the burning of monosaccharides and fats. Even the use of certain amounts of protein or amino acids in combustion to capture energy.

Catabolism as an oxidation process in which some of the energy is released as heat. The heat generated through this catabolism is important in maintaining body heat. Carbon dioxide is the main waste product of cellular respiration or catabolism.

This catabolism also has an important role in producing energy. In other words, metabolic processes are important in extracting chemical energy from food. The difference between anabolism and catabolism can be seen from the following points.

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The Process of Formation of Compound Elements

Both go through the process of forming different elements of compounds. Anabolism combines compounds from simple things to more complex ones. Meanwhile, catabolism breaks down complex compounds into simpler ones.

The result of this anabolism process is in the form of energy which is important for its utilization for the body. Another case with catabolism that releases energy that is not important for the body, such as carbon dioxide or CO2.


The reaction of the anabolic process will display a dehydration synthesis. Meanwhile, in the catabolism process, a hydrolysis reaction will occur. Similar to the oxidation process carried out by the two, it can produce a reduction reaction.

When combining the two, it will form a network that runs. Like a regular cycle and occurs continuously. Now do you understand that the two reactions are different?


The difference between anabolism and catabolism can also be seen from their function. Anabolism can repair damaged or damaged organ systems. On the contrary, catabolism will utilize the use of energy in carrying out organ functions.

In the process of anabolism, large substances are made from small sources of matter. While in the process of catabolism will break down these substances. Catabolism has a fairly important role. Its role is to change the O2 gas that is absorbed into the body into CO2 that it removes from the body.

The steps taken are through a long process. Thus, in its application requires several steps to perform decomposition or fermentation.

Substance Formation Process

The difference between the two is seen from the process of formation of substances. This is in order to form a good metabolic system. However, the occurrence of catabolism in fungi or bacteria due to the fermentation process.

In contrast to the compound that undergoes activation. Later it will produce new substances from the use of ATP energy. While anabolism will produce fats, nucleic acids, and proteins, even polysaccharides. The difference between the two is because the formation of the substance is different. But on the other hand, both are important for the body and occur continuously like a cycle.

The difference between anabolism and catabolism will be seen in several ways. Starting from the process of forming elements of compounds, reactions, functions, and formation of substances. It is important to understand both terms in studying the body’s metabolism. (R10/HR Online)

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