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Dietitians: “Risk of malnutrition for older people during corona crisis” | Inland

The NVD sees a domino effect looming: “A good nutritional status is important for the resistance, which in turn plays a role in the prevention of an infection with Covid-19 and in the treatment of patients. Malnutrition can increase the risk of infection and delay or hinder recovery. ” If you do not eat well, you also run a greater risk of falling, with all its consequences.

Under normal circumstances, 15 to 20 percent of elderly people living at home above the age of seventy are malnourished. Of the seniors who receive home care, this is even 30 to 40 percent, according to dieticians. In general, fears and loneliness do not improve the diet.

The NVD has started a campaign in the healthcare sector to make healthcare providers aware of the problems. The organization has also developed a website together with the Nutrition Center: goedgevoedouderworden.nl. It contains tests, advice, prescriptions and practical instructions for healthcare providers.

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