TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Error diet it comes down to food and how much fat is burned at the end of the day. If you decide to go on a diet, it’s just a matter of time before you start feeling guilty about everything. The food you eat, the exercise you miss, the choice of drinks, it will all haunt you.
Namun, ada beberapa cara menghilangkan penyesalan tersebut dan juga mencapai tujuan penurunan berat badan. Meski menuntut banyak tekad dan kerja keras, diet terkadang masih tidak menjanjikan hasil positif. Berikut lima tips diet sehat tanpa rasa bersalah.
Pilih makanan yang tepat
Saat sedang berdiet, hal yang paling mungkin mempengaruhi fisik dan pikiran adalah makanan. Pasalnya, makan sembarangan tidah hanya menambah berat badan tetapi juga akan menyiksa dengan rasa bersalah. Untuk menghindari hal itu, isi piring dengan makanan bergizi, sehat, dan menghidrasi. Pilih karbohidrat yang tepat, beralih ke lemak sehat, dan sayuran segar serta buah-buahan. Makanan kaya serat harus menjadi pilihan karena membantu tujuan penurunan berat badan dan juga mencegah masalah pencernaan.
Jangan stres dengan karbohidrat dan lemak
Ketika memutuskan untuk menurunkan berat badan, Anda akan membatasi asupan karbohidrat dan lemak. Pada saat seperti itu, yang dapat dilakukan adalah belajar membedakan antara karbohidrat baik dan buruk serta lemak sehat dan tak sehat. Karbohidrat kompleks yang baik mengandung serat tinggi dan bagus untuk kesehatan. Makanan tersebut akan membuat kenyang lebih lama serta energi yang dibutuhkan tubuh.
Meanwhile, healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) are good for heart health and maintain cholesterol levels. Not including these foods will only limit the body from healthy foods and nutrients. The point is, don’t stress if you eat the right carbohydrates and fats. Stress will only increase the chances of adding body weight.
Drink white water
Staying hydrated is the key to a healthy body. Water plays an important role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the body and protecting against harmful diseases. It keeps us hydrated and avoids complications that can lead to serious medical conditions. In addition, water is very helpful for weight loss goals. In addition to keeping you full for a longer time, water allows you to cut down on extra calories, which are usually a source of guilt.
Keep moving
Prioritizing exercise and other physical activity is essential for a guilt-free diet. Because, there needs to be a balance between what is eaten and what is issued. If you don’t want to compromise on your diet and still want to maintain a healthy weight, exercise is key. Physical movement helps to live a carefree life because you don’t have to worry about what you eat.
Healthy snack
The worst thing that comes with losing weight is unhealthy snacks. It makes you regret it all day long. The best thing you can do is stock up on healthy snacks that are not only delicious but also filling. Some healthy snacks include nuts, popcorn, berries, whole grain foods, and vegetable salads.
Also read: Limit Fat to Reduce the Severity of Covid-19 Symptoms
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